Aug 23, 2018
Thank you, it's extremely annoying that this isn't hinted at or mentioned anywhere in the game. The game has a tonne of interesting writing and fun premises that are almost impossible to discover naturally, thank goodness for dicemod.

Something I think would be worth figuring out is what Bedlam is hinting at in an old poll quizzing players on what hidden events players have discovered, and seeing if we can collate the information.

Here are the options Bedlam mentioned and what I assume some of them are:
  • Have you found the unique in the city known by some as 'Bio-Bunny'? (Scandalous Affair assignment)
  • Have you discovered the perfect ritual subject? (Possibly Centre of Attention assignment, which requires ten successful corruptions to unlock)
  • Have you been in so much debt to meet the lady and her bust? (Getting into debt with the Ensnared Rose)
  • Have you worn a mask at a party, but not come back?
  • Have you found out who runs the gate? (Entering the Gate at the Deep Mountains)
  • Have you run a race yourself? (Quick as you like assignment)
  • If so, have you managed to not come back? (Critting the Quick as you like assignment)
  • Have you acquired four wings at once?
  • Have you not blown up the commander? (Possibly the unique Golem you can acquire from the vault? Unsure)
  • Have you found something that really ties a room together?
  • Have you got off the ground floor of the spire?
  • Have you (or one of your characters) made a special friend with no sense of personal space? (Possibly possession?)
  • Have you found a bevy of “gifted” students? (Private Passage assignment?)
  • Have you completed the pom-pom squad? (Getting all the uniques from the cheerleader assignment)
  • Have you found the other way of acquiring four wings at once?
  • Have you exploited headpats for personal gain?
  • Have you encountered the poetess?
  • Have you traded a slave for an enchanted item? (Possibly the assignment you unlock for selling a princess tier slave)

Some of these are pretty obvious and I can take a guess at a few, but some baffle me.
Im pretty sure i know most of them so here goes but with a spoiler
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  • Thornspire requires Mistweaver and Folklorist to really crit, but I haven't seen anything special happen from doing so.
You have to do it twice or three times, it will unlock searching for the thornspire key and once you get it you can get past the first level. Its really fun.

fuck me just writing this made me want to play this game again lol its so good
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Feb 21, 2018
The unique golems from the mountains are Harmony and Ascendency. Unity is the playable one.
And oh right, there's a Demi-Angel Harpy with 4 wings from Shadows Take Flight. Yeah, I kinda forgot about that one. (Just keep going, there's two three uniques getting them is random, just like getting Lara from Retribution for Arrogance).
You're probably right about marshlands survival being the headpats one.
I think Poetess is the Shark of the Cards unique, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
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Aug 23, 2018
Shit your right, Unity is the starting unique.
Wait demi angel harpy? All i got was two uniques and then their boss the dark harpy or whatever her subrace is. Is there more of them?
FFS i had no idea there even is an unique in shark of the cards? I thought it was just a money + item get assignments. I love how theres literally no indication that theres anything more to it lol

Al right i was mistaken, the golem i meant was not unity but Harmony, the one who turns into the bad one sometimes

Also on the wiki page theres a unique witch from an assignment called wyrdcraft that ive never even seen lol any clues on that one? Is it a special result of the wyrd reconing?
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Nov 21, 2017
Thank you very much guys! Very helpful to finally have some answers.
Possession by a legion commander gives both M:Co and Usc+
Is that a specific variation on possession? What procs the various kinds? Your player character seems to gain a specific type, but I've found very little in the way of events where the possession comes into play, only if a slaver tries to force themselves on you or a small blurb while you dream.

Slavers don't seem to be able to get possessed, but I've had a few variations on slave possession but can't figure out what procs them.

I've had slaves start talking in third person and become obedient, gain M:CO and pretend they are still a slave whilst being more likely to attempt to escape, announce themselves as a succubus and demand to be made a slaver, and gender bend a male slave.

Can you still acquire Shadriel if you already completed the ritual in Treachery Most Foul? I read earlier in the thread that doing that increases your odds of capturing Lara.

How is the hint "Something that really ties the room together" supposed to reference Harmony/Malice? Is that a reference hidden in the text somewhere?

There is a debauched exaltation transformation that grows your wings to full size, it doesn't give you the flight trait, but your appearance text mentions you can leap/glide. How do you proc four wings from corruption? I haven't had any luck with that.


Feb 21, 2018
When you roll possession for corruption, slavers get the medium-variant which just gives more M:Co. The slaver gets a "Aaah it's talking in my mind" text.
Slaves can get possessed and either get Obedient, M:Co, or a variant which changes the name, personality related traits, description "<name> is locked in as their body responds to the commands of <newname>". My headcanon is that these are either low-ranking demon subjects that always have to obey, regular demonic possession, or the legion commanders. If possessed by a legion commander they also demand to be released from captivity and become a slaver immediately, which you can allow or refuse.
So far as I can tell, which version you get depends on the day, possibly the omen for the day. But save-scumming leads to the same result for most subjects in a given day. All viable possession targets gets a legion commander, or gets the Obedient trait, or whichever version fits the current day.
I haven't sussed out how exactly that works though.

Treachery Most Foul seem "bugged" in that you can do it to get both Shadriel, and the Succubus. However it miiight require having a "In Pursuit of Arrogance" that you can do, to get another Treachery Most Foul while going on the first TMF.
I believe there is no corrolation between the chances of getting Lara Dawnspire and TMF other than 'Confirmation Bias', and the somewhat similar names (In Pursuit of Arrogance / Retribution for Arrogance / Arrogance Subjugated).

Shadows Take Flight has 3 uniques you can get. Chiea Nightingale, Mio Quicktalon, and Dove Fairchilde. Just keep doing it. ( Two of them has the same image, the image depicts two of them hugging. One is Chia Mio, and one is Dove.)

Upon further examination, it seems hip-wings probably doesn't stack with not-hip-wings barring a buggybug from corruption results. (Also doesn't stack with wings inherent to Demi-Angels and other races.)

I'm also mistaken on the Shark of the Cards one. "Shuffled Deck" is (probably) not related to Shark of the Cards, but instead related to having Grand Princess Severina de Bornemisza from Private Passage, possibly in virgin mode. I don't know much about it since it was allegedly broken when it came out.

I believe Wyrdcraft requires a fully trained Witch from Wyrd Reckoning. But I also don't know much about this one.

If desired, I could write a short guide to uniques by location of the ones I know.
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Dec 30, 2018
I think Poetess is the Shark of the Cards unique, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
It's the Lamia from Slithering Lonely As A Cloud, a hidden assignment unlocked from Imperial Muses.

Also on the wiki page theres a unique witch from an assignment called wyrdcraft that ive never even seen lol any clues on that one? Is it a special result of the wyrd reconing?
It was added to the wiki by someone other than the usual guy, so it might be wrong--nothing in the changelog.

Can you still acquire Shadriel if you already completed the ritual in Treachery Most Foul? I read earlier in the thread that doing that increases your odds of capturing Lara.
You can only do TMF once. If you save Shadriel you get 70% chance of finding Lara on Retribution for Arrogance, and also unlock Arrogance Subjugated if the slaver doing TMF knows Corruption.

( Two of them has the same image, the image depicts two of them hugging. One is Chia, and one is Dove.)
After two crits getting you random harpies, 3rd, 4th and 5th crits get Mio, Chiea and Dove, in this order. Chiea is the big titty boss harpy
Aug 23, 2018
I'm also mistaken on the Shark of the Cards one. "Shuffled Deck" is (probably) not related to Shark of the Cards, but instead related to having Grand Princess Severina de Bornemisza from Private Passage, possibly in virgin mode. I don't know much about it since it was allegedly broken when it came out.
Yeah it wasnt working before but now since its fixed i really like it. Its a pretty dope assignment, you get a great unique with a cool albeit unnecesarily convoluted aspect.

The only unique I dont know about is the wyrdcraft one, im pretty sure wyrdcraft was a thing in a version long time ago. The wyrd reconing text suggest there should be a special result, it mentions a palladin, a frozen queen icebreaker and a chosen one, so by logic if youd send those three something would happen maybe, but its a two person assignment so i have no idea.

Somewhat different question, did anyone managed to get the special game over from deeper foray? I remember changelog mentioning it but i couldnt trigger it in any way.
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Dec 30, 2018
I suspect the Wyrdcraft unique in the wiki isn't real (or at least something is wrong there) because she uses names from the random list, has pretty average traits, and the Aspect listed is the generic racial one all witches have.

I'll just check the Regalia code I guess :D

Edit: Yeah, Wyrdcraft appears only once in the whole code, and it's the witch racial.
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Nov 21, 2017
I can now confirm that adversarial affairs requires magic corruption and psionics, seemingly on any of the slavers.

I was also able to repeat Treachery Most Foul by replaying in Pursuit of Arrogance and recruit both the Succubus and Shadriel in a single playthrough, and then was able to acquire Lara.

I managed to get to the second floor of Thornspire, but I'm absolutely stumped trying to figure out what it wants from me now.

I'm also trying to figure out Stars in their Eyes, my hunch is that it probably is based on weather events (I recall bedlam mentioning they added an assignment that changes depending on the weather but never found it), but I've had no success thus far.

I initially didn't realize Centre of Attention's requirements to get the unique, but thus far I've had no luck getting the assignment to pop up again. Is it once per playthrough or perhaps bugged at the moment?

I've figured out the rest of the uniques on the wiki already thankfully. Who knows what else is hidden to be honest.
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Feb 24, 2019
Im amazed at how you guys are getting that far when saving is so finiky. i went back to 2.6 rags only because the screen where you choose your options kept going off screen in 3.0 rags


Dec 30, 2018
I'm also trying to figure out Stars in their Eyes, my hunch is that it probably is based on weather events (I recall bedlam mentioning they added an assignment that changes depending on the weather but never found it), but I've had no success thus far.

I initially didn't realize Centre of Attention's requirements to get the unique, but thus far I've had no luck getting the assignment to pop up again. Is it once per playthrough or perhaps bugged at the moment?
I think you have to crit SitE during a "Heavenly Debauchery" weather, and Folklorist might also be involved.

CoA only spawns after corruption is used 10 times. To get the unique you need the PC in the first slot and someone needs to have Corruption magic.
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Nov 21, 2017
I believe Bedlam posted some tweaks someone made for rags 2.6 to make the engine run better, but I also use Dice Mod because I have a love hate relationship with this game.
I love a lot of the content, the artstyle and high fantasy theme, the effort put into the lore and world building, the highly quality of writing both erotic and narrative, and how much it aligns with content I enjoy like lesbian, futa-dom, smart bimbos, sexual transformation and enhancement, etc. But I am absolutely not a fan of the rng based gameplay, archaic engine, and obfuscated content.

I have a lot of fun with dicemod creating an encampment of my ideal characters, without it character customization would be nigh impossible and torturous due to how long save-loading takes.

I think you have to crit SitE during a "Heavenly Debauchery" weather, and Folklorist might also be involved.

CoA only spawns after corruption is used 10 times. To get the unique you need the PC in the first slot and someone needs to have Corruption magic.
I've used corruption a lot more than that and it's only appeared once, maybe I've just been super unlucky but I hope it pops up again/more than once. Is there a menu that tells you what the current monthly event/weather is? I often gloss over that in the wall of end day text accidentally.
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Aug 23, 2018
I can now confirm that adversarial affairs requires magic corruption and psionics, seemingly on any of the slavers.

I was also able to repeat Treachery Most Foul by replaying in Pursuit of Arrogance and recruit both the Succubus and Shadriel in a single playthrough, and then was able to acquire Lara.

I managed to get to the second floor of Thornspire, but I'm absolutely stumped trying to figure out what it wants from me now.

I'm also trying to figure out Stars in their Eyes, my hunch is that it probably is based on weather events (I recall bedlam mentioning they added an assignment that changes depending on the weather but never found it), but I've had no success thus far.

I initially didn't realize Centre of Attention's requirements to get the unique, but thus far I've had no luck getting the assignment to pop up again. Is it once per playthrough or perhaps bugged at the moment?

I've figured out the rest of the uniques on the wiki already thankfully. Who knows what else is hidden to be honest.
Stars in their eyes is a crit during heavenly debauchery to get the unique slaver. Im yet to find out any other of the mentioned outcomes tbh. When heavenly debauchery isnt there you get a slightly different text when you send out someone with mind reader tho, so maybe theres something there? Im yet to check tbh.

Second floor of thornspire is searching for the key, right? If so, when you send a slaver to a exploration assignment to the city theres a chance you get a thornspire key rumour, it will hint at what assignment you should do and if you succeed on it theres a chance you get a part of the key. Get three parts and youre good to go back to the dreaded spire.

You can see the current event when you go to encampment status and upgrades and you click the encampment status option. It should be right there. And im not 100% sure about this but i think center of attention is a one time thing only.
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Nov 21, 2017
No I already got the key, I'm stuck on the Moon assignment trying to figure out what it's hinting at.

Man I hope Centre of Attention isn't a one time thing, nothing indicates it is unlike Witch Queen, and in every other assignment where you can find generic recruits and a hidden unique they are all repeatable.
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Sep 8, 2018
No Haven 0.953 - Hotfix - TF Edition
Very sorry it took this long and I very much appreciate your patience for sticking with me! This was to put it lightly a thing.

Without the way I swear the whole fire and ice thing this hotfix has going on. It was just how the commissions ended up getting done in order, and I'm pretty sure at the time I didn't think of it, or that both would end up being Rare Defending Great Plains assignments.

Likely will be another hotfix soon, and this time I do mean soon, like several days at most, to purely clear up any issues with the new content in the changelog below. After that we can all breathe a sight of relief (especially me) and it's onwards and upwards to 0.96.

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