Unity - Angel Under [v0.7.0] [BabusGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, I finally decided to write a review, and to keep it short: the best part of the game, for me, is the story. The "castle in the desert" plot is so interesting and I can't wait to see more demons and where the plot goes!

    Beyond the story, the rest of the game is well-executed. The art is high quality, and the gameplay is snappy.

    Just one last thing: I want more!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.7.0

    I guess the theme of this game is taken from some series, I don't know- I didn't feel connected to any of the characters/ NPC at all.
    The graphic quality is very good, the gameplay/ movement is fluid.
    That's about the good things.

    The story is weird (could be - again - due to a lack of understanding about the lore), the MC is an annoying simp and the quests are always fetch quests, interrupted by some jump-and-run-styled passages.
    There are some teasers of lewdness in this game already (and, the few animations are VERY good!), BUT the time in between that content is absolutely boring. Running around forever (you can't even "run" or "sprint"), talking forever (= quite some text to skip through, because it's just gibberish) just isn't my type of game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, what a game, I think it's the first time that I got hooked into playing a nsfw game :D. What surprised me is the consistency of its elements, so many games are very good in some aspects but they completely fall flat in others but in this case I could not find any element that I would be disappointed with. The music slaps, the animations are so beautiful and it feels so good to shoot things and wrench things around (please more of those things!), The setup of the story was quite nice and looking forwards to what happens next! I quite liked Erin with her innocence, her reactions are so funny. I think the main thing that the game needs is more content, its just soo good :LOL:. I'll keep an eye on this one
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is super quality. gameplay isnt bad and the artwork is really good. animations feel smoth. however at this point right now (0.6) there just isnt really enough content. once the games fully polished and finished i have no doubt this would be a 5/5
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game, from the gameplay, to the setting, to the scenes. All very impressive, but the only issue is it's not very long. It starts with a linear section where you are following one questline while learning the mechanics and characters, then finally puts you in the sandbox to explore and do quests. However at this point (0.6), there is only one quest you can do. So between the linear section and the quest, it totals a little over an hour of content.

    I think this game has a lot of potential and is very high quality, but the development time is not reflected in the amount of game that is present. While it is all impressive, I can't give it 5 stars because of how little content there is for a year and a half of development.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game really resonated with me. To some degree it kinda reminded me of Deponia in art style/humor.

    -Decent controls for platforming sections
    -Excellent writing with humor that hits just the right amount and doesn't take itself super seriously
    -Excellent art

    Cons (to me these are game killers):
    -No save button
    -No gallery for anything you've gone through before
    -No continue function so you just start from the beginning
    -Low amount of nudity (Normally I'd be fine with it but I'm putting this under cons due to lack of gallery)

    I really hope the cons get addressed because I'm more than willing to help support their patreon for this gem of a game but I just can't when it doesn't have the basic systems in place of a single player game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    potencial? hell yeah.
    currently? hell no.

    the screenshots include every picture of sex you'll see in this version right now.
    their other game is also abandoned on here (idk why) which is never a good sign.

    right now, its a short fetchquest with way too much text. if youre like me and you skip through the entire text, its basically 15min of "go here, get this, bring it there and then go get the next thing from other way"

    the artstyle is awesome so as i said, huge potencial and im willing to change my review when this gets updated but currently (v0.1.0) there is really not a lot to it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    This is one to keep a close eye on.

    Angel Under is a 2D platformer where you take the role of 2 new recruits enlisting in a war effort against demons. The catch is, the war is being televisionized to the people's entertainment, making the war heroes into sort of relity show celebrities.

    While there's not much to go on yet, and the game doesn't seem to take itself too seriously at the start, the setting is interesting, and allows for cool developments if done right. Curious to see where it goes from here.

    The art is beautiful, both charming and erotic. Animations for lewd scenes is always a plus in my book, and the animation here is very well done as well.

    The gameplay for this build is very bare bones, with a jump and a melee attack. More likely because it's the beginning of the game, rather than what the whole game will be like. The attack can be a little wonky, as if you're trying to attack in the air while drifting backwards, the character will often attack in the wrong direction. A minor complaint, but one nonetheless.

    However there is an earlier prototype version that gives more of an ideia of what the gameplay might end up like. Not going to get into much detail on that because it might be going off-topic, but that build is similar, but uses ranged weapons and is pretty enjoyable.

    Overall, very exciting project. It has a lot of charm, and it's shaping up to be a fun experience. If you like sidescrollers and sexy 2D chicks, give this one a go.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start! Amazing quality in terms of art, writing and gameplay so far. Looking forward to seeing you guys develop this more. My only critique so far would be that there is maybe a little bit too much back and forward running in the castle between content, but it's pretty minor.
    Likes: Babus