VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Fetish Locator [Week 3 v3.5.13] [ViNovella]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a gem.

    Probably one of the best VN you will find on F95.

    Let's begin by stating what I didn't completely like about it to get it out of the way:
    - MC is a ugly motherfucker, he looks like a caveman (but that's a personal taste, I like my MCs to be decent looking at least).
    - While partially justified by the Fetish Locator app (and by the fact that's a porn game lol) I don't really like that some characters throw themselves at the MC for no apparent reason.
    - The voices are kinda cringe tbh, but that's again a personal taste and you can just turn down the volume so who cares.

    Now, the good part:
    - GORGEOUS GIRLS like bruh those renders are fantastic, I usually prefer 2dcg but DAMN this game has some top notch characters.
    - nice animation, could be better but at least it's there
    - THE PLOT. I really enjoyed it so far, I hope it keeps developing like this and that they keep the investigation thing nice and well implemented with the story, it is for sure simple but a really icing on the cake
    - THE CHARACTERS are well written (even if some are truly simple and straight forward), you get invested in their stories and feel like that for every one of them the creator put his time into thinking how to characterize(?) them properly.
    - THE GAMEPLAY is incredible, I loved the fact that this game is so full of fetishes (yeah fetish locator, I could've figured lol) and yet you are not forced into any of them. Your choice matters and I really like that in a VN where choices are pretty much the only thing that makes them a "game".

    So far I am willing to give this 5/5 and wish the creator good luck, I hope you will keep going like this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of fetishes to enjoy, some I didn't bother to go into but the ones I did go into were interesting. Would never try them but it was interesting to experience them from this game. Also a ton of fun to play and the story was great. 5/5 game so far
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    This is one of those rare games that has something for everyone while still being engaging. The story is fantastical while still making every scene feel earned. It also contains all of my favorite kinks in maledom and rimjobs which are rare for VNs.

    The key though is that every character is unique and there's a lot of intrigue with the actual narrative. The story doesn't take itself too seriously but just enough that it's not pointless. You want to learn more. You want to uncover the secrets of the Fetish Locator. All the while there are characters with their own subplots that keep you wanting more.

    These are technically spoilers so...There's your girlfriend that doesn't want sex but wants sex, there's her friend that's into watersports but her bf isn't, there's a girl that wants domination but falls unconscious. There's coffee shop owner that didn't realize she was bi.. All of these seem like odd things to include and unnecessary but they add layers to the characters beyond, "girl has this kink".

    The game is actually funny. Not trying too hard funny, nor laugh out loud funny, but that quick blow air out your nose funny where you're engaged and enjoy the actual dialog. There's more than just, see girl, sex girl. It's not taking itself too seriously that you worry it's anything but a sex comedy. There are stakes, don't get me wrong, but it's not a thriller or anything that would give a sense of anxiety and that's really what keeps me coming back for more.

    I can't wait for where the story goes. If you haven't tried it, you should.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    I don't really like bdsm games, but apparently the developer collected information about all types of bdsm and I was very drawn out by the game and the game turned out very good plot even very unusual but excellent
    good luck to the developer with such a good game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe I haven't rated this yet.

    First of all, this isn't a Sandbox game. Despite that it still manages to give a feeling of freedom where choices matter in all the right ways. You get genuinely attached to the storyline and the characters and the renders are fantastic to boot.

    This is one of the few projects I don't subscribe to per update: I actually keep my subscription running constantly. ViNovella cranks out updates on the regular and they are ALWAYS good.

    A fantastic project, a fantastic game, and worth playing from the beginning... as long as you're a filthy pervert like me anyways ;)
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    This an amazing fucking game! Seriously, it's brilliant! The story is a bit bonkers, but it's well written and honestly it just kind of works. Further, you're pretty much free to pursue a multitude of LIs without major conflicts or consequences, which is great. The way the game handles various fetishes is cool too, you get the option of whether or not you want certain fetishes and the app makes it so that's an actual in-game decision the MC makes, which is really neat. On the topic of the fetishes, the ones I indulged in, the game really nailed. The BDSM so far has been a bit half-hearted perhaps, but that made sense as the characters in that scene were new to it. I've never seen a game handle watersports this well though, and the watersports animations in week 3 are easily the best watersports animations I've seen and just generally some of the best animations I've seen in an AVN. I'm just singling out watersports as the prime example here, the many other fetishes I tried were done really well too! Add to that a very good looking game and, as mentioned, excellent animations and you've got a spectacular experience. Even if you're not feeling overly kinky there'll still be plenty of fun to be had for you, I urge everyone to try this game!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game its great, not for everyone tough, the name suits perfectly, here you can find all kind of fetish, if you dont like one just dont say yes to it inside the game, remember, NO means NO lol, there are some things that can improve but are minor things, good fap material.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    medicore graphics, awful sound and boring gameplay. all girls are same and dialogues are written by a teenager. fetishes are vanilla and texbook examples as if it is designed by someone who has no clue on fetishes but read it somewhere. snooze fest
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The girls are good looking. The plot is interesting. Not all fetishes are to my liking and we have the choice to avoid some of them beforehand. I would have loved to have a "remove fetish" after seeing it and not very much liking it, but going back in time or restarting a game is a possibility. I found them quite unoptimized but that's maybe only me.

    The forced "loss" at the end of week 2 is a big let down however. I'm not sure if it's possible to get to 20 girls in canon or not (i did it with the walkthrough mod but it allows to have 2 girls at once) but i find it weird that the game decide to make the MC lose. I understand why (because the cage is the main thing in episode 3 apparently) but it doesn't make it interesting because all the actions in last days of episode 2 seem useless then.

    Edit: while week 3 is coming to an end, i find the lack of story showing more and more. It's an empty shell and the disappointment is really heavy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    good graphics, well-made characters, non-predominant story that leaves more time for the development of the fetish without having to read, and often skip, much of the redundant dialogue. It also allows you to avoid scenes that are not to your taste. What else?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid AVN so far. Obviously covers a ton of fetishes which is really cool, but manages to weave in plenty of smaller storylines as well as a large one without compromising the ability to explore various aspects. Cast is great as well, some very funny and others very interesting. Looking forward to the next update.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game and all of its diverse fetishes, all of the girls are really cute and the story is fun although kinda dumb at the same time, excited for me the game keeps pulling me back and im looking forward to more content with all the girls.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v2.1.12 Week 3:

    This is the ultimate fetish game, it has so many optional fetishes where you can tailor the story almost like you want it. The characters are gorgeous and story captivating. 5/5
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders deserve some praise, and in the latest part of the game the animations also improve, so that would be the good part of the game for me.

    The story seems to be uninteresting, and its one of those that throws 1000 kinks at you and throws every chracter of the game at you I think, guys included, and has one character that lives outside the game logic.
    That character is set as the main female protagonist of the game, and the game is keeping her away from you so dont go wnywhere with her.

    There is one scene where you should stop her from giving you a handjob, and later there is a scene where she asks you not to fuck her. Personally i hate this characters that are in a parallel game inside the game, cause its not that the game is vanilla, is kind of sick and this character is the opposite, so why put her there in the first place?

    Another thing i dont like are interuptions, and this happens a lot with that Lydia girl, and also happens with Stacy.
    Another thing i dont like is having to pick some fetishes to fill the quota and late those fetishes haunt you though all the game, but if you reject them you dont know which ones you will have to complete to prevent the game over. So the game forces you to hace "skip unseen" if you want a safe playthrough. Or forces you to pick these fetishes that you dont like or dont even know what they are just to keep playing.

    I didnt find sex scenes interesting, the case is particularly noticeable with the judge where you have to be rough with her, but the sex, besides some weird positions is kind of vanilla, cause thr animations are made so she seems like relaxed and cooperating, like not forced at all. So the "tell but dont show comes to my mind" and i have to speak once again about the case of other games taht can pull those scenes and sell them.

    I dont know what is missing in this game, it looks good on paper, but its not hot for me, maybe gets way to comfortable depending on fetishes to get you going, but the actual scenes lack just a little something to make them good. And i remark here that theya re not bad, on first glance they look god, but something is missing for me and they are not working.

    There are some games i keep inside a folder cause they have something i would fap to, this one is goind to recycle bin and probably won't play it again.
    But don't listen to me, this review is just for me, play it yourselfmaybe you are less picky and enjoy it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily one of my favorite games on here. The story is fun, new, and easy to follow. The writing is great. The animation are some of the best, if not the best, on the site. All of the characters are really well done.
    I think the only thing I'd say I'd want is the ability to chose who all you want to be with at the end and then a decent portion of content with those choices. That's a tall order though. If the Dev makes that happen, then this will be the number one game on here easily, in my opinion. Although this rating was at the end of Week 2 so there may be that option later in the game. Well done!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This is not a game, let's get this out of the way first. Having choices that not even remotely interact with the story are pointless, they are basically letting you choose which scene you want unlocked. Everything happens just because it happens, I understand the whole concept the author has in his/her head and it as it might have been cool or otherwise interesting it falls short on many places. First of all all characters are bland and one-dimensional, they are literally fuck-sleeves and since you do not have any interaction with the world, you just click your progress through the whole game, reading through pointless upon pointless text. The scenes aren't that amazing, hardly any 3D game dev can make an actual vagina or asshole, they all give up halfway or use off-sourced assets, so it all falls to the animations which are loops of 1-2 seconds at most.

    I would not recommend this game, unless you really exhausted all of your options of jerking off to games and you need something new.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Fetish Locator [Week 2 v1.11.16] [ViNovella]

    "Fetish Locator" peaked my first impression of the game, unfortunately, falls short of expectations and leaves much to be desired.

    One of the most significant issues that stood out was the game's storytelling and dialogue. Throughout my playthrough, I found the dialogue to be shallow and uninspired. It lacked the depth and nuance necessary to engage players in the narrative. This weakness in storytelling made it difficult to connect with the characters and the overarching plot.

    The lewd content and scenarios, which are a central element of the game, also left me disappointed. The quality of the renders and their execution was subpar. In an weg, it's crucial for the explicit content to be well-crafted and visually appealing. In this regard, "Fetish Locator" fell short, which significantly detracted from the overall experience.

    Characterization and character actions were another notable problem. Many character actions felt nonsensical or, at times, even implausible. This included the main character's agency within the story, which often seemed disconnected from the predicaments he found himself in. Some character designs felt one-dimensional and lazy, with limited wardrobe choices that did little to distinguish them from one another.

    The game heavily leaned into fetish content, leaving little room for players who may not share those specific fetishes to engage with the game. Even when I enabled and followed all character paths, they felt dry and lacking in depth. It was almost as if they were written by someone with little genuine interest in creating well-rounded characters and narratives.

    There were a few bright spots in the game, one of which was the character Lyssa. I found her character development and storyline to be more engaging than others in the game. However, the sudden shift into a Law and Order-style episode with her felt somewhat jarring and out of place.

    Conversely, the content involving the sister, particularly after her visit and her subsequent forced presence in the story, became a chore to slog through. This was exacerbated by the drastic transformation of the character Amrose, who went from someone interested in a deeper connection with the main character to a psycho stalker-like character. The dynamic between Amrose, the sister, and the main character felt obnoxious and lacked depth, and their characters shared a notably simplistic and uninspired design.

    The main character's storyline with Lydia also left me perplexed. The narrative dissonance between his pursuit of the pure idol of love and his participation in degenerate acts was staggering. Lydia's character arc, where she didn't sleep with the main character but enjoyed hearing about his interactions with others, felt contrived and lacked believability. Additionally, the central plot point involving a compromising photo seemed inconsequential, as it was unlikely that Lydia would care by that point.

    In conclusion, "Fetish Locator" appeared to prioritize fetish content over coherent storytelling, character development, and plot cohesion. The feeling throughout the game was that nothing truly mattered, as everything appeared to serve as a vessel for its various fetishes. While the game may cater to specific niche interests, I doubt many players would genuinely enjoy it beyond satisfying those specific fetishes. The game's potential was undermined by its failure to deliver a compelling narrative and well-developed characters, ultimately leaving me disappointed with the overall experience.
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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, this game is easily in my top 10 games on this website.

    Story: 4/5 - Good enough for a porn game, enough to make me care for what happens next.
    Characters: 5/5 - Good variety, and not all of them are your usual cardboard cutout cliches.
    Visuals: 4/5 - I compare all visuals to NLT's work, so compared to that this is slightly lower quality, but still really good. Developer appears to be improving with every release.
    Audio: 4/5 - (Extended Version Only) Music is good, voices are a bit off
    Variety: 5/5 - It has almost everything for everyone. While I personally don't like waterworks or trans stuff, I'm sure there are people who do.
    Enjoyment: 5/5 - The intangible factor. I have enjoyed this game as more than just fapping material.

    Looking forward to where this goes.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    All I have to say is this graphic "novel" is a muddled mess.
    Some of the characters are attractive and interesting.
    Some of the fetish play is enticing.
    The general plot is somewhat interesting.
    The locations and character models are well done.
    These are the attributes that made me want to delve deeper in the game. I ignored the shortcomings, but they just kept repeating and have become unbearable.
    Ugly characters.
    Plot is convoluted. You feel you have an objective but get lost along the way with the confusing code speak and your genius sister that likes to talk in metaphors. On the topic of finding out who is running the Fetish Locator application, it really shouldn't be so difficult. The solution that the characters decide to try is borderline child fantasy.
    The fetishes are either straight sex, food sex or pissing. Your "girlfriend" likes to hear about how you fucked 10 girls today.
    Your slave, Amber, is too mouthy to be a slave. she needs to be put in her place.
    Just fuckin lame.
    Add some real content. Master / Sub, would be my preference.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, a confession from me:
    I'm not much into fetishes. I like a game with a decent story, good characters, good renders and nice erotic scenes.

    So on the things I love about these games, it's an easy 5/5 from me.
    Are there games I enjoy more on here. Sure
    Are there games with better renders. sure
    Better story: sure, better characters: yip.

    Having said all that, this game is pretty top notch in all those departments. The story is cliché, but good. The characters are good, diverse and lovable. The renders are top notch, the sex scenes are often and very erotic.

    I ultimately judge a game on how much I look forward to the next update and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that I love every time an update of this game drops.

    No major flaws of the games. Like I said, the fetishes are not too hardcore, but I'm glad about that. it's varied enough to keep it interesting, but does not detract from the overall game.

    Game UI is also very nicely done and very polished.
    So yes, not my top game on here, but easy top 10 and easy 5 stars.