Unity - First Taste VR [2023-11-26] [HentaiVR]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is what the uploader said it to be; an introduction to VR in this genre. Controls are very limited, fields of vision too. It's basically an animated VR video.

    Visuals are ok, movement rudimentary and options are limited (at this point). Worth a try, but not really my thing. Thanks for creating and sharing though!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Compared to most VR things out there this is pretty great.

    It is comprised of 2 parts.
    1) An interactive part at the menu where you change change poses and girl\ and interact with them some. I though this wasn't great and what you often get in something like this.

    2) Playing the 3d video. This was pretty great. It was pretty sexy with multiple scenes and hot sexy talk. Having a scene skip would have been nice because the scenes are a bit long but you can advance the play bar to the next scene if you want.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Ever wondered what a VR porn video looks like, but instead of streaming - it eats 8gb of your SSD and has absolutely no functionality other than "sit back and relax" - well look no further!

    This broken .mp4 player promises to -

    - Break constantly
    - Crash your SteamVR interface
    - Not work because, fuck it - why not, right?
    - Spazz out endlessly before it gives you a lovely and soothing black screen followed by random squelching noises! Now you can imagine a pussy getting slammed without seeing it! (yay...)

    If any of those features sound exciting to you, what are you waiting for? Waste your bandwidth, storage and time ALL AT ONCE! Yeah!