VN - Ren'Py - Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R1] [SparkHG]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Visual novel that mostly focuses on corruption and netori (you seduce other people’s wives).

    The plot is – you are the son of a demon, your powers are awakened and there seems to be a power struggle going on between the demons.

    Art is gorgeous, characters are pretty and the sex scenes are pretty well done and hot.

    Sadly I just couldn’t get into it. First you get told that the conflict is heating up and that you need to strengthen your powers if you want to survive (by seducing women) then your father drops you into a remote house where you need to corrupt another man’s wife into falling in love with you (they have money problems and she agreed to film a porno with you). This makes the plot feel glacial because you switch from urgency to slow seduction. The woman who is after you to kill you backs off twice without a fight too.

    You also feel pretty passive because one woman is in love with you at the beginning of the game, the second is dropped in front of you by your father like a mother bird feeding its young and the third is also introduced by your father and has a past with you that you can’t remember.

    Honestly, the game would be a lot more interesting to me if you stayed in the city and needed to survive assassination attempts while getting stronger by finding and seducing women yourself. As it is the MC feels pretty passive.

    The upgrade system feels like it has far too many options while not really changing a lot in the gameplay. I'd prefer fewer options that have stronger effects on the story - maybe some way to use them in dialogue options?

    I might give it a try in a year or two again whether I find it more interesting in a more developed state but as it is, I find it pretty meh.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting plot with well written characters. Interesting game mechanics. This could become a 5/5 with the addition of more characters. Right now there are only 3 LIs, and really only 2 have gotten any screen time thus far.

    The dev needs to proofread better. I suspect they may be ESL, but they can get someone to help them out with that. The mistakes are minor and don't detract from comprehension, but quite regular.

    The LIs also all appear to be fairly likeable people. In a game with the concept this one has though, there would be merit to adding some less likeable LIs.
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  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I do not review often but I have to say that I really love this game. Excellent artwork, solid premise and the corruption mechanic and how it flows with the artwork makes this a 5/5 IMHO.

    Thank you Spark for creating what someday might become a niche masterpiece.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best VN I played. Script very well thought out. The models is great. I really like the MC has a moral compass in this corruption charade. The milf looks great like they almost real in looks Maxime specially. What I like about this is not just some avn which where MC just corrupt females and then have sex with them. The sex scene in this is very well thought out that it looks like a work of art and not just some boring porn.
    Likes: ThL
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a really interesting premise, and while it's started small so far, I think it has potential.

    The good:
    There is only a small cast of characters so far, but they are interesting and have realistic bodies.
    The heads-up display when attempting to corrupt a girl is also well implemented.
    The points system makes for some interesting options on play style.
    There is actual plot behind the MC making girls cock-drunk.

    Areas that can be improved:
    No gallery or character bios with notes on where you are with a character is a big omission in a game these days.
    The characters all have a similar tone of voice. No individual idiosyncracies to give them some level of unique personality.
    Some grammar and spelling issues, as well as clunky dialogue. A good beta reader or editor would help with this.
    No real exclusive story branches (yet). It's only episode 3, but it does seem like the game is on rails at this point. There seems to be only one real choice where you can spend time with one of the three girls, but no indication it even matters.

    I think it has potential, and well worth a few bucks to play, but I havent' seen enough for an ongoing sub yet—but the next couple of updates could change that if the dev can tighten things up.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of Ch.4 R1]

    This is a great game, no doubt about it. The gameplay loop is engaging, the choices and paths are diverse, the renders are great, the models are gorgeous, the sex scenes are erotic, and the premise is intriguing and engaging.

    However, there is one major flaw that keeps this game from being excellent, and that is the writing. Specifically, the grammar, style, and pacing.
    • The grammar's simpler to explain: it's just poor. There are tons of mistakes--mixing present and past tense, misuse of certain words, sentences outright not making any sense, and more such examples.
    • The style, however, might be a case of preference. First, I think it's too description-heavy, especially for a visual novel, where "show don't tell" is a much easier rule to follow when compared to traditional novels. But more importantly, the whole thing is written in very flowery language, and since it's presented as the MC narrating what's happening, it makes him come off as one of those infuriating pseudointellectuals who think using fancy, obscure words makes them sound more intelligent. It annoys me to no end and it leads into my next point.
    • The pacing: it's just too slow. Mostly, I think that's because there's so much unnecessary fluff (see the point above) and it slows the pacing to a crawl.
    In conclusion, the issues listed above make it a bit of a slog to go through (at least for me), but I think it's definitely worth a try and, if said issues are addressed, it'll definitely become a 5 star game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that i played, reading the whole plot and dialogs.
    The game is awesome built, the author prepared an amasing dish which is good served to the player, smooth and slow, as for me, the corruption games should be.
    Tje plot is interesting, the reactions are believable, the actors are better, than most dolls in other games (and i call them actors intentionally to outline their depth).
    I`m looking forward this game, i`ts a good example of a marvel.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The new gold standard for interaction/corruption by the player. Meaningful interactions paired with excellent visuals, writing, and audio. Personally the perfect balance of time spent with characters versus sexy times. Plenty of room to grow and build upon what exists already with a tease of an intriguing story and mystery to come. First class all around.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Game of the year, for sure. Finally a different and unique story, unusual characteristics and good writing. My only complain would be MC and his abilities to solve and handle everything perfectly, but this is the main thing of the scenario, so I am okay with that.
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  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It has a simple premise but Without a doubt, the Dev knows how to execute it excellently, the characters are pleasant, the MC is not the typical one who wants to have all the women for himself (He even feels guilty for getting into Meredith's relationship), the scenes are written in a way that you can feel the intimacy of the characters, it's not just a sex scene and that's it.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, hooked me so well I kind of can't believe it. Usually I skip most of the way too indulgent and unnecessary dialog.

    All the dialog here actually matters, and whenever I'd skip something, I'd scroll back, only to end up reading a slide at a time.

    This creator did something more creators NEED to copy, and it is summarized by this line: "A bunch of explanation and shit later..."

    THANK YOU. I know the stories devs are creating are personal to them, but being concise is a skill. Too many words ruin the experience.

    Anyway, kickass game, will support. The theme somehow hooked me and felt hot despite being a cliche-sounding plot. This means the quality of the execution elevates a standard trope to something meaningful with tension. The game uses the tropes successfully.

    Bravo, dev
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I love MILFs, but why does an ugly woman like Meredith take up half of the game's content? I understand the appeal of the game, the dialogues, scene compositions and renders are better than most games I have played.

    I'm definitely not saying that I would have done it better, but the first woman I would corrupt would be a woman who fits the more general AVN MILF stereotypes. Rosalind from Pale carnations comes to mind. Then I would add Meredith as the second or third woman because she obviously has fans. But in any case, I really liked the concept of the game. My only problem is that it takes time to make a game of this quality and all this time will be spent on an unattractive LI.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I saw this game recommended on another thread and decided to give it a try. I was hooked almost immediately.

    So far the interactions are very vanilla but the production values are excellent and the style is unique. I wish there were more games adopting this approach.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beautifully rendered. The models are also well designed.
    For once, a game about the whole heaven and hell holly war thing (of which there are a staggering amount) is actually well written and well paced. Holly shit, (pun intended) dev did a good job avoiding exposition dumps and getting me to care about these characters. This is an A+ game with the potential to soon become an S+ game.
    Likes: ThL
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a while since I have played something vanilla. The plot, the render, and the models are amazing by far. I can see that it had some inspirations from Doujins/Hentais cause no way women can cum that fast.:LUL:
    Likes: ThL
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this is just... WOW. A single sexual intercourse is made way better than some of the AVNs on this site. Get this: i've got 67 of them just in my active list (calculated by F95Checker tool), i've tried a whole lot more but dropped for various reasons. Usually i'm looking for a good story, and not really looking for a wank material, but this one is on another level.

    The first scene with Meredith? Spectacular, from every standpoint. Her inner conflict, her gradually rising arousal and attraction towards MC, giving in to her desire and finally feeling a genuine pleasure. Trying to make her feel all this is like a puzzle, made quite simply through a point system and dia choices but made believable, which is more important than overall complexity.

    I have no idea what to think about the story yet, but the pieces i've seen and have put together - awesome out of 5. Even the very first renders with Maxime are great, renders themselves are top tier, facial expressions are great, animations are quite good too, definitely above average (and i'm being picky about them). I'm going to say this again - it's believable, the dia lines dev wrote for her and for MC, very well done. I believe when Max says she is in love with MC, it's literally written on her face. And MC himself is cool, not being fucking creepy, not having stupid thoughts or constantly thinking how he wants to fuck every hole.

    I can see this AVN being a perfect corruption game, and for just that it deserves attention. If the story will be great as well it would be top 10 of the greatest AVNs for me, but that remains to be seen. I hope this one will not end up abandoned, as it often happens with many great titles on this site. Regards to the dev, and good luck with your game.

    Edit: i've reached the end of the current version (Ch.4 R1), if i could rate more than 5 stars, i would. This is a goddamn diamond, and the amount of content is great, even better considering the quality. Two MILFs, young Julia, another (potential?) young LI at the end, nice. Max if so far my favorite in the MILF category, Julia is great too. Altho it's a little annoying that she avoids all the questions about MC's past, but the contract with Astafiel forbids her from telling anything, i guess? That's what she said. Plausible explanation is welcome, so i won't complain about that. Overall, the plot looks solid, i'm in a neutral territory about the supernatural stuff, looks interesting from my neutral POV. Hopefully the next update will shed some light on MC's past, and Ruby showing up might be just that (hopefully).

    This AVN is a champion in erotic content, if you want to, ahem, choke a snake - try it out. I've been sitting and reading text with a boner most of the time. ALL the sex scenes are the greatest sight i've ever seen in any AVN. I'm not even exaggerating, i truly think they're magnificent. The build-up, the sexual tension, the writing, every single piece is refined and put together, creating a unique experience. I could have written a shitton of laudatory praises, but i'm out of words, i'm afraid, and being not a native English speaker doesn't help either. Just try this one, it's worth it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the most erotic VN I've ever played. Just oozes sexuality in every scene! Well done! It also has the almost infinite potential of being extended into a long series, with each episode focusing on a new follower.

    Truly a masterpiece!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the top games on this site. The renders of the girls are excellent and the aesthetic and scenery are great. The story is about what you'd expect from one of these types of games but the writing is decent. You have branching paths in how you want to approach the girls, but the biggest downside of this game is the weird powers system. I really have no idea why it is here and its very awkward, but if you use a walkthrough guide (which you should) you can avoid this awkward system. I don't think it's big enough to deduct a point for, but it is definitely, in my opinion, a big negative of the game. Otherwise, if you want a well written mystery story with a few girls that you focus on and have choices in how you choose to treat them, this is a great game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    Having played the new update it is safe to say that this is a perfect Christmas present for all players who love Maxime.
    Too bad we won't be focusing on her in part two because she's like a prize. Man, I just love her. On the other hand I'm excited to see where Meredith goes. I love "fixing" their relationship and then watching her fall hopelessly in love with MC(us) vacillating between guilt and emotion. Oh my God ! I am so evil so unforgivable ! :devilish:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a VN that is VERY and i mean VERY erotic the story is very very captivating as well the renders are some of the best i have ever seen before and each chapter is as fulfilling as the last and keeps me coming back wanting more . i would definitely recommend playing this i mean it is free after all so what have you got to lose