3.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Feb 26, 2018
the only new secret i could find in 0.2c is that theres a kappa in a secret passage behind the hot springs an area before the slime queen saying that she likes frog slime, the slime queen has a hit detect in her crotch but nothing happens no matter what you shoot at her.
with "a way to recover an certain enemy magic" i though it was the slime queen since the past version she would turn into a futa if you talk to her for a while, but since nothing is happening now im clueless
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Mar 20, 2019
the only new secret i could find in 0.2c is that theres a kappa in a secret passage behind the hot springs an area before the slime queen saying that she likes frog slime, the slime queen has a hit detect in her crotch but nothing happens no matter what you shoot at her.
with "a way to recover an certain enemy magic" i though it was the slime queen since the past version she would turn into a futa if you talk to her for a while, but since nothing is happening now im clueless
Hey there!

There has been some confusion here with the versions uploaded to this thread. That specific changelog was from a Patron-Only alpha (alpha 0.2a), and the current version is the actual public demo (alpha demo 0.2c). This new demo has all the bugfixes and improvements from the current Patron-Only releases, but a bit less content compared to the actual 0.2a patron-only alpha. It does not have the Dryad Tower map and you can't acess the secret that lets you regenerate enemy magic. Now, the queen-turning-futa behaviour SHOULD be in the public demo, I'll check it out and update the version if needed.


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Mar 20, 2019

Hey there! I just released the latest Alpha release of Lamia's Exile on my Patreon!

What was added from the last Alpha Build (0.3a):
- The entire second stage is here, Sky Island!
- New enemy: Plant Girl! She is in both Slime Territory and Sky Island, so you will see her plenty of times!
- New enemy: Harpy Girl! You've seen a friendy Harpy before on Dryad Tower, but on Sky Island they are enemies! Try to figure out how to take them out of the skies and seduce them!
- New enemy: Bunny Girl! Both Pink and Blue bunny girl, can you guess their difference?
- New secrets, easter eggs, and an upgrade to your health bar!
- A sneak peek for the next boss, Beast Queen!
- Improved player hitbox and platforming
- Minor visual effects
- Minor UI changes
- Some bugfixes, as per usual


Jul 29, 2017
Hi, Im kinda stupid, but after trying out the charm and multiple different types of ammo on the enemies i still only got one dryad animation and two slime animations. Does anyone have a quick note of what i should do with the enemies.

This reminds me some of FOBS and mostly for the same reasons some of the enemies required a specific order of actions to seduced them
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Mar 3, 2019
Okay so I want to like this game, but it frustrates the fuck out of me. Finite ammo is bullshit, so is the health pool, I recommend you implement a system to upgrade this and do it early (Edit: You already have this system in place, I just missed it.), or add a block for projectiles alternatively. It would make navigation ten times better, easily. The bunnies are driving me insane too, masturbation doesn't work, temptation doesn't, I've hit them with every projectile I can think of, frog slime, slime slime, Dryad leaf, Bunny... fluff thing? Harpy feathers, fox blades. Nothing seems to get the animation from them. As the game increases in scope I really REALLY do not want to have to go back and forth for consumable items to constantly try and test what obscure thing makes something work. Not to mention that if you miss the tiny window of vulnerability, your shot is either avoided or cancelled out. Frustrating. Your game isn't fun or interesting with this design ethos, it's a chore.

Edit 2: It is in fact masturbation that excites the female bunnies, and temptation that excites the blue. Just be aware that you have to be on the same level, facing them, and pretty close. So in essence after a time of smacking my head against the wall I eventually broke through. Still, not the funnest way to play, especially if it's a game that wants to redirect blood away from my brain.
Last edited:
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Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
I'd like to see more "snake-like" animations and abilities for the lamia, like if she could coil her tail around and use it to jump like a spring (to reach higher areas or something). It'd also be neat if she could grow a dick herself to interact with the enemies in a different way, although that'd be something around 1.5x the amount of animations to accommodate for the possible combinations. (Futa-lamia x girl, futa x futa, etc.)

Wish the ero-animations didn't auto-play (and if they weren't auto-initiated). As of now, the "premise" of the game, having one monster girl going around fucking a bunch of others, is a bit hotter than the actual contents. A little more build-up to the ejaculation and having the animation either loop with an exit button or a progressive loop1-loop2-cum thing would go a long way to improve the ol' fappability. (Fallen Angel by Toffi has a good example of the former.) A gallery would tie it all together so you'd have a hassle-free way to enjoy the scenes, especially for bosses and enemies that are a little tougher.

I'll just fire off the last few nitpicks I have.
  • Clearer in-game guides/instructions on how to get the scenes, they're fine for the most part but there's one or two things that are a little more "cryptic" and who knows how complex it could get down the line.
  • More options/reasons to switch your magic type besides "this enemy gets horny for this." Maybe stuff that isn't connected to the enemy types like a shield or a speed upgrade.
  • Better defined and varied dicks for the futas, at the moment they're all cum-shooting cylinders. If it's an animal-type monster futa, they should have something a little more "true-to-form" dick like something with a knot for the kitsunes.
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Mar 20, 2019
Ok, apparently I'm not receiving e-mail notificantions from this thread. But here we go!

Hi, Im kinda stupid, but after trying out the charm and multiple different types of ammo on the enemies i still only got one dryad animation and two slime animations. Does anyone have a quick note of what i should do with the enemies.
With the dryad, it's either a slime shot or masturbate in from of them ;)

Okay so I want to like this game, but it frustrates the fuck out of me. Finite ammo is bullshit, so is the health pool, I recommend you implement a system to upgrade this and do it early (Edit: You already have this system in place, I just missed it.), or add a block for projectiles alternatively. It would make navigation ten times better, easily. The bunnies are driving me insane too, masturbation doesn't work, temptation doesn't, I've hit them with every projectile I can think of, frog slime, slime slime, Dryad leaf, Bunny... fluff thing? Harpy feathers, fox blades. Nothing seems to get the animation from them. As the game increases in scope I really REALLY do not want to have to go back and forth for consumable items to constantly try and test what obscure thing makes something work. Not to mention that if you miss the tiny window of vulnerability, your shot is either avoided or cancelled out. Frustrating. Your game isn't fun or interesting with this design ethos, it's a chore.

Edit 2: It is in fact masturbation that excites the female bunnies, and temptation that excites the blue. Just be aware that you have to be on the same level, facing them, and pretty close. So in essence after a time of smacking my head against the wall I eventually broke through. Still, not the funnest way to play, especially if it's a game that wants to redirect blood away from my brain.
First of all, thanks for the feedback! Sorry if the game got you frustrated, as you said yourself, this should be doing the exact opposite.

As for the finite ammo, you get regeneration of the most important ammo by either finding secrets or by beating bosses. This regeneration should be clearer with the latest UI changes (your bar changes color when you're in a shot that regenerates).

Also, if I have an enemy that requires a specific, non-regenerating, type of shot, I always try to have the correct type of enemy near it (notice that there's a Plant Girl at the bottom part of Harpy Field, and Slime Girl in Dryad Tower). But this is coming from the perspective of someone who knows what the correct type of shot is. I can see how trying everything on every enemy can get frustrating (especially on the bunnies, that are difficult to get the timing right). I'll definetly add a "discovery" system. Maybe something like "defeat 20 bunnies to discover what magic makes them horny"? It will eventually tell you the correct ammo if you keep defeating them, but it will also reward the people that want to try stuff out (I really want to reward discovery in this game).

Click on .exe file result in opening window with unity icon and red ! above it. When bar fills window closed and nothing happens.
Apparently this is an Unity problem. From my bit of research, this may be another software messing with unity's launcher. Can you can shoot me a message with your specs so I can have a better idea of what's happening?

I'd like to see more "snake-like" animations and abilities for the lamia, like if she could coil her tail around and use it to jump like a spring (to reach higher areas or something). It'd also be neat if she could grow a dick herself to interact with the enemies in a different way, although that'd be something around 1.5x the amount of animations to accommodate for the possible combinations. (Futa-lamia x girl, futa x futa, etc.)

Wish the ero-animations didn't auto-play (and if they weren't auto-initiated). As of now, the "premise" of the game, having one monster girl going around fucking a bunch of others, is a bit hotter than the actual contents. A little more build-up to the ejaculation and having the animation either loop with an exit button or a progressive loop1-loop2-cum thing would go a long way to improve the ol' fappability. (Fallen Angel by Toffi has a good example of the former.) A gallery would tie it all together so you'd have a hassle-free way to enjoy the scenes, especially for bosses and enemies that are a little tougher.

I'll just fire off the last few nitpicks I have.
  • Clearer in-game guides/instructions on how to get the scenes, they're fine for the most part but there's one or two things that are a little more "cryptic" and who knows how complex it could get down the line.
  • More options/reasons to switch your magic type besides "this enemy gets horny for this." Maybe stuff that isn't connected to the enemy types like a shield or a speed upgrade.
  • Better defined and varied dicks for the futas, at the moment they're all cum-shooting cylinders. If it's an animal-type monster futa, they should have something a little more "true-to-form" dick like something with a knot for the kitsunes.
Thanks for the feedback!

I'm planning on revising the lamia's basic animations, so you can expect some more slithering or coiling in the future (and a higher jump is planned, but closer to the end of the game).

Unfortunatly I've had it since the beginning that the player's Lamia would not grow a dick, since I think the female-dominating player holds a bit of the charm of the game (that may well be just my personal opinion, though).

I'll have to overhaul my animation systems soon, so I'll definetly look for a way to loop the animations (maybe an toggle option?). Also, a gallery is planned, just not the priority right now.

As I said above, I want to reward discovery with the animations and secrets. Would a "defeat X enemies to learn how to get them horny" (in addition to the cryptic NPC hints) solve the problem?

As for the uses for different types of magic, I'm working on it. As of now, you should be able to use Kitsune's magic to break dense algae, but it's only being used to acess the deeper parts of the underwater stage. I'll definetly add more uses for them, primarily to find secrets or power-ups.

And for the dicks: I kind of wanted to add more types of dicks, but as a pixel-art futanari platformer, I'm already in a niche within a niche within a niche. Since non-human dicks may not be accepted by everyone, I've opted out of putting them in the game. Maybe (and a big maybe, that is) I can add a toggle when the game is done, but that's a bit far away still.


And just not to make a double-post, there's a new dev-build on Patreon. I've lowered the dev-builds to the $5 tier, and Lamia tiers will have a custom NPC to put somewhere in the game's maps. .

Oh, and a small preview of Shark Girl moving:

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Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
I think the "defeat enemy x amount of times to get scene hint" is a nice idea, maybe a way to have that kind of information handy as well as stuff you've heard from NPCs? A "Pokédex"-style tracker with descriptions that could act as a subtle hint itself, icons showing what shots you've used and if they cause damage or arousal, and the hints you've gathered in a convenient menu.

If you're scared of turning off players with animal genitals and whatnot because the game and content is already fairly niche, remember that there are transformation-heavy erotic text adventures where you can grow tits the size of small planets and unreasonably massive cocks. (Corruption of Champions, Tainted Space, Lilith's Throne, etc.) They're also very popular, and from my understanding, have decent funding through Patreon and similar platforms. Giving the characters more unique genitals isn't quite as niche as it once was, and might even attract more players. The porny-side of the internet keeps getting stranger, and honestly this game is on the "tame" side of games.

To tie in my last thought and the "player lamia will never be a futa," ultimately it's your game and if you don't want to implement that, it's all good. In my opinion though, I feel like there's a decent bit of wasted potential, especially regarding certain types of monster girls. One of the common appeals of slime girls, for example, is that their viscous semi-liquid form would allow one with a dick to feel a unique sensation when penetrating them (and said penetration could occur just about anywhere on their body because they're slimes.) Maybe you're trying to go for something less common, but having the ability to grow & retract a dick for the MC would open up more opportunities for erotic content and gives the players control over how some interactions would play out. (To use the slime girl example, there'd be about four scenes depending on how they're aroused and if the lamia has a dick out or not.) Again though, it's your game in the end, and I definitely understand not wanting to put in the extra effort if it's not something you're into.

aaaand another handful of things I want to share without writing an essay for each:
  • At the moment, having the separate buttons/functions for the masturbation and "temptation" feels a bit redundant. I think they serve the same purpose of "touching yourself to incite enemy arousal" and it only adds to the somewhat-chaotic nature of trying to perform the right action for content. (Could just be a product of making the game more discovery-oriented.)
  • Sex scenes with NPCs? Seeing an NPC with a more "unique" design compared to the others, having her say something about being attracted to the lamia, and then having nothing come of it falls flat. Side-quests or something where you can perform a task and unlock a repeatable scene for specific NPCs.
  • Sex scenes not involving the lamia? Kind of a weird one, but I think there's potential in having scenes where the lamia is more of a voyeur and watches others have sex (discreetly or otherwise.) Just a touch of variety like being able to see a frog girl/futa fucking a harpy or whatever.
  • More body type variation? Pretty much all of the girls have similar curvy bodies. There could be some smaller girls, chubbier ones, buffer ones, etc. Maybe the ones that have different girl/futa types could have more visible differences like the bunnies. It'd be interesting to see something more drastic though, something like having a girl for a species be thinner and smaller-chested but the futa has the bigger bust.
I'll try to support the game if I can, unfortunately I'm not in the best spot financially (evidenced by my browsing of a site dedicated to sharing paid products.) I am a fair bit interested to see where the game is going since I like monster girls so much, maybe if I start working on my own (monster girl-based) game I'll become a Patron and try to send some of my game's players to check out yours.
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New Member
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Mar 20, 2019
I think the "defeat enemy x amount of times to get scene hint" is a nice idea, maybe a way to have that kind of information handy as well as stuff you've heard from NPCs? A "Pokédex"-style tracker with descriptions that could act as a subtle hint itself, icons showing what shots you've used and if they cause damage or arousal, and the hints you've gathered in a convenient menu.

If you're scared of turning off players with animal genitals and whatnot because the game and content is already fairly niche, remember that there are transformation-heavy erotic text adventures where you can grow tits the size of small planets and unreasonably massive cocks. (Corruption of Champions, Tainted Space, Lilith's Throne, etc.) They're also very popular, and from my understanding, have decent funding through Patreon and similar platforms. Giving the characters more unique genitals isn't quite as niche as it once was, and might even attract more players. The porny-side of the internet keeps getting stranger, and honestly this game is on the "tame" side of games.

To tie in my last thought and the "player lamia will never be a futa," ultimately it's your game and if you don't want to implement that, it's all good. In my opinion though, I feel like there's a decent bit of wasted potential, especially regarding certain types of monster girls. One of the common appeals of slime girls, for example, is that their viscous semi-liquid form would allow one with a dick to feel a unique sensation when penetrating them (and said penetration could occur just about anywhere on their body because they're slimes.) Maybe you're trying to go for something less common, but having the ability to grow & retract a dick for the MC would open up more opportunities for erotic content and gives the players control over how some interactions would play out. (To use the slime girl example, there'd be about four scenes depending on how they're aroused and if the lamia has a dick out or not.) Again though, it's your game in the end, and I definitely understand not wanting to put in the extra effort if it's not something you're into.

aaaand another handful of things I want to share without writing an essay for each:
  • At the moment, having the separate buttons/functions for the masturbation and "temptation" feels a bit redundant. I think they serve the same purpose of "touching yourself to incite enemy arousal" and it only adds to the somewhat-chaotic nature of trying to perform the right action for content. (Could just be a product of making the game more discovery-oriented.)
  • Sex scenes with NPCs? Seeing an NPC with a more "unique" design compared to the others, having her say something about being attracted to the lamia, and then having nothing come of it falls flat. Side-quests or something where you can perform a task and unlock a repeatable scene for specific NPCs.
  • Sex scenes not involving the lamia? Kind of a weird one, but I think there's potential in having scenes where the lamia is more of a voyeur and watches others have sex (discreetly or otherwise.) Just a touch of variety like being able to see a frog girl/futa fucking a harpy or whatever.
  • More body type variation? Pretty much all of the girls have similar curvy bodies. There could be some smaller girls, chubbier ones, buffer ones, etc. Maybe the ones that have different girl/futa types could have more visible differences like the bunnies. It'd be interesting to see something more drastic though, something like having a girl for a species be thinner and smaller-chested but the futa has the bigger bust.
I'll try to support the game if I can, unfortunately I'm not in the best spot financially (evidenced by my browsing of a site dedicated to sharing paid products.) I am a fair bit interested to see where the game is going since I like monster girls so much, maybe if I start working on my own (monster girl-based) game I'll become a Patron and try to send some of my game's players to check out yours.
Hmm, the pokedex-like thing is a good idea, but ultimately having to index every hint could be a bit of a pain on the coding side of things. I'm thinking about a list of enemies acessible on the pause menu, a small description, and a "defeat X to know what makes them horny".

On non-human dicks, I'll run a poll on Patreon. If the majority is on board with it, I might change some current enemies to add some different dicks (and maybe add a Centaur girl).

On the futa MC, it's a creative decision not to have her with a dick. That doesn't mean we won't see some futa lamias! (and if people are on board with non-human dicks, we might get some double dick action).

About the masturbation/temptation, they really shouldn't be this similiar, but it ended up being. It wasn't supposed to be common to have an enemy get aroused when you masturbate in front of them! But I got ahead of myself, and did this to Dryad, Plant, Frog and Bunny Girl. But I think the drawback of multiple actions will be solved with the hint system.

Oh, I want to do NPC sex-scenes. Some more important NPCs (with subquests) will definetely have a sex scene of their own, but some random NPCs having sex-scenes are something I want to do. It's just not the priority right now, since I'm still working on new enemies and new stages and things like that. Same deal with non-lamia sex animations, I want to add them, but they're not the focus at the moment (but I already did a bunny-bunny animation, you can find them on Resting Hill).

On the body variation: yeah, I need to get better on that. I'll keep that in mind when designing future enemies!

Thanks for the feedback!
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Apr 2, 2018
Apparently this is an Unity problem. From my bit of research, this may be another software messing with unity's launcher. Can you can shoot me a message with your specs so I can have a better idea of what's happening?
I think problem in fullscreen mode. Some other games on unity engine do this thing too when im trying to launch it on fullscreen.
i just dont know why this is happening.


New Member
Jun 16, 2019
Hi. There's a lot I feel I need to say here. I thought I'd try to organize my thoughts but that's not working out so sorry, I'm going to be all over the place here.

You say this game is already a 'niche within a niche within a niche' -- In this context, how are we defining niche?
Is it a concept of worrying that you won't attract enough income? If so, that's super fine, I can understand that.
Is it considered niche because I don't recall too many games in recent memory where the whole concept of the game didn't involve completely sucking at it to see content? Or because the protagonist is a monstergirl and not some random weak and helpless character? I mean, that feels like the antithesis of a game, that a person has to specifically SUCK at a game to actually see the porn. Doesn't seem like making a game would be ideal in that case, but EVERYONE FOR SOME REASON DOES IT. Except maybe that guy doing FOBS. And again, that's hetero (god damnit)

This probably sounds like some kind of criticism but it's not or anything. I'm just trying to get a feel for why you feel that this game of yours is niche.

So, a ton of thoughts for your day.

There aren't a lot of good yuri games out there, at least to me. And I'll tell you the many reasons why and why that makes me love this game.

For one, yuri and futa. Like, that's my one god damn thing. That's the only thing I like. Doesn't matter if it's monstergirls, regular women, black, blue, white (but preferaboly not), it's all good.

Regardless of whether or not other people think this falls under the yuri tag, it does for me. It's super rare that there is a game like this that isn't a VN. VNs bore the hell out of me. Not that there aren't good ones. Like, the Sakura series? I don't know much about it but at least it's got something other than endless talking. I like plot, I just like something going on other than just talk. Secondly, the faggotry isn't second wheel. Like the gay scenes in Tokyo Private Police where that whole scene is just to help an insecure woman get over herself to go bang some random dude. Can't stand that either.

I love the art style. It's not that there potentially aren't any good yuri games out there, it's often that they have an art style I can't stand. Like those terrible 3d plastic models, or like the art from uh, Family Matters? I guess, i saw someone mention that ages ago. When things get too close to trying to emulate real life, it's kinda crap.

I love the fact that the fetishes depicted in this aren't extreme. Like, violated heroine, might have had some futa content or something but I realized with the character selection that it would likely include scat or extreme deformation and I'm just like no, that's not for me. I downloaded some game back in the day with the futa tag and the protagonist was stabbed in the stomach and bled out in the opening scene and I'm just like okay, guess I'll be leaving then. And this seems to be a REALLY common problem. Like, if it's gay or futa it's considered the biggest sin since creation to eastern markets so all other extreme fetishes are fine, too.
I don't care about violence, but I'm sure turned off by graphic violence.

I don't think double dicks are even remotely extreme, but again, personal preference. Toffi has a double dicked lamia in Fallen Angel Marielle, bless that bastard's heart. I could do without the rape in the games, but at the same time at least we don't just have only white chicks and humans running about. Monstergirls are fucking great.

I think one of my biggest problems is forced rape. Demon Master Chris, for instance. Chris walks into a new area, does something stupid without input from the player, boom, rape. I like to have control over this shit -- you know, if I want it to happen, it will, and if I don't, it won't. There is some admitted contradiction in that sentiment but just owrk with me here.

But this game here, of course, you have to actually work for it, and be decent at the game, timing enemy shots and what have you, so as not to take damage. And the icing on the cake is that it requires the player to actually arouse their enemies which makes it feel less or not even at all rapey. That's fucking great, thank you.

Lastly, there are very few games where it's not just white people and more white people, usually white dudes with white chicks. Since, as we all know, white is the greatest thing since sliced white bread. This isn't like an anti-white kinda deal but we have a rainbow of fucking colors, blues, purples, greens, and we rarely use them unless it's some random dude-orc. As an aside, I used to hate World of Warcraft. The eyes freaked me out. These days, I'm just glad for all of the colorful porn.

In closing, or in waiting for your further reply, I'd like to thank you for making this game, and hope you continue to enjoy making it, because it's a diamond surrounded by a minefield of ew.


Former Staff
Sep 7, 2017
nothing from dev on here, patreon or itch since November, marked abandoned
3.50 star(s) 2 Votes