Others - Lamiya the Light Elf [Ch.2 P2] [JohnDoboe]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game as of now on its current state, am glad has developed a fairly easy to use system for inventory, skills and save/load slots. (you can use mouse and keyboard, but I noticed to unlock certain skill you need to specifically use the keyboard for whatever reason).
    As of chapter 1 the story is not complicated and with the several dialogue options you can get more information as of why of your situation and state of the "community" you were summoned in. (Light elves).
    Its a tad unrealistic for certain girl to have jumped all in to help you but in a sense the why she acted like that is also explained within the dialogues.
    Several sidequests that feel like minigames, more entertaining than one might think although repetitive. (they bear rewards yay).
    Not a fan of how dodge works as of now, maybe because only one of the enemies would really need you to use said skill, block can have its uses if you time enemy approachs though, useful.
    Almost forgot to mention the sex part of the game, the animation of sex scenes is very nice, the art of characters is good, I would have given a 4.5 calification if it let me (can't, gonna put a 5 to balance a bit the score being mixed with older versions reviews).
    Has a bug that might or not occur to you that locks you inside the zone you are in. Saving, closing game (maybe i only needed to exit to main menu), entering again and loading the save worked for me to just keep going.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really curious where this game will go. The animations look really good.
    I love the way the animation are made, with barely any rigid movement and with a detail to adding movement to the skin of the female characters while in motion.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Right. Reasons for 1 Star review.

    1.) Game has essentially no content. You get a gallery of roughly eight small animations after the first boss, five of which tell you to fuck off and donate to the Patreon if you want them (I don't know if they're even actually in the game). In fairness, what is present is decent.

    2.) Game has a variety of bugs, most important of which is the wholly nonfunctional saving system, which has apparently not worked since the development started. Several quests are broken. You get levels, which apparently unlock traits, but these do not function either.

    3.) Gameplay is thoughtless. You can swing your sword, but not whilst moving, so you can kite, or if the enemy is faster than you, try and bounce them since your attack has a bit of knockback. Enemies are uninteresting damage sponges otherwise.

    4.) Somebody has to try and balance out these absolutely baffling four and five star reviews based on nothing at all.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A really interesting game! As of right now there is not loads of content but its a wonderful beginning with loads and loads of potential. Genuinely hope the creator stays on this! Ps - read the developer notes. Really really liked what he had to say pertaining to a 'certain kink'.
    You have my full support!
  5. 1.00 star(s)



    + H-scene animation loop is ok, but there's only 2 animations and one girl. It's not the one you think

    - No text skip button that you can hold. You have to mash Space bar to speed through dialogue
    - Space bar is also the attack button. This is an unfortunate design choice since you sometimes just hear the attack sound while trying to advance dialogue.
    - No WSAD control option
    - No sound options. Can't lower music or sound volume
    - No quest list
    - No gallery
    - Can't save at all during any part of the game
    - Game bugs out if you die. It sort of just respawns you somewhere with a bunch of bats and you have 0 Hearts
    - Barely any content, only 1 quest. Kill 15 bats and there's no kill counter. Game's thank you message at the end still says v0.1

    - Would be nice if you could hold down attack button to spam attack. This game already has too much mashing, just to progress dialogue
    - Would be nice if you could save
    - Would be nice if you could hold down a button to skip dialogue
    - Would be nice if there was a button to toggle sprint
    - Would be nice if there was an option to see the control mapping. So far it's E = interact, z or Space = attack, Space = advances dialogue, Esc = menu, arrow keys to move
    - Would be nice if the game gets a bigger map

    So far, this game plays like an RPG Maker game but without most of the basic features you'd expect to get like options to adjust sound, no text skip, no gallery, no quest list, can't sprint, and no saves. Honestly this is more a demo than an actual game. There's no game play loop and no progression rewards (like gear, level ups, stats, abilities, etc.). It's just a 2D hack and slash with only 2 enemy types.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5055050

    Reviewed Version [v0.1]

    "Lamiya The LightElf "looks excellent, especially the elves.
    The animation of the H-scenes are very nice to look at, even if there is only one scene, but hopefully more scenes will be added in the future.

    Regarding Gameplay, there is a lot to be done in order to make the game more fun to play. Obviously, this is just an early version, but ideas like getting healed after slaying a dark elve, would immensely improve the gameplay flow.

    Overall, a very solid first impression, I'm excited for new updates in the future.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is nice, simple. and easy. The art is a solid 10 / 10 in my opinion, even if there is only one scene so far. I'm looking forward to more from future updates, hopefully with a variety to the elves, and maybe even some other NPCs.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is really cool. I had need a littlle bit time to finished the D.Elf but I done.

    Well, now its really small, only one scene, but I see also many potential for this game.
    Hope we see also in the future many scenes from Lamiya, She looks very sexy.
    Our Player is a Shota, thats totally cool. Maybee, the design from him can be a little bit more shota-looking.
    Its a male, but I think it can be also intersting to have "Bestiality" (Not for the Player) inclouding at the future, because the map is forest and we have Dark Elfes (now, there will be more female Enemies in the future I hope) inclouded.
    For example "Wolves" as Enimies and if a D.Elfe is finished (The situation from Event) and the Wolve comes in the perimeter, He can also rape the Elfe as a Alternativ. If you go then to the Dark Elf (you will have a little Bestiality animation like the Down Elf now) and press E for Event, there can be an Full Animation from the Situation. Dark Horses or something can be also a enimie for example. You can "Anal" also combinate with this and so on and so on.

    Also "Trap" is a interesting part for the future...
    There are an incredible number of possibilities.

    Of course a Cumshot finish animation will be also very cool for the game for every scene.

    As I said, this game has potential for an really big suprise.
    You have my Attention.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    For a pilot version (as specified for the developers at the time of writing this, v0.1), this is super solid all around! While we've only gotten a hint of gameplay so far, I think it's got something that could become an amazing game when fully fleshed out.

    Art is fantastic. The top-down gameplay art has a nice style to it, and the actual CG of both Lamiya and the dark elves is very well done, especially the animation work. The size difference/shota element is also nice.

    There are some minor issues with the combat loop so far, but since this is a pilot I'm leaving this as a 5 star review since combat changes can always be implemented during development.

    Currently, fighting dark elves seems a little too pokey. I like the idea of them being harder, stronger enemies compared to the bats but the constant near frame-perfect swings they throw at you turn the combat into a game of very carefully timed swings while backing away. Normally that wouldn't be a huge deal, but there's too little room for mistake when trying to fight them at the moment, something I'm not sure if is intended.

    Other than that, I think if this was fully pushed through in development it would make a fantastic title.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it so far. Art is great, sounds are good and I can see much potential. If you need any recommendations, then I'm sure you'll find plenty on the thread. Look forward to watching this and playing more updates!
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4552948

    [ Review for Version 0.1 ]

    : Lamiya the Light Elf is currently at prototype stage, so this will be a short review. It’s fun if you like A Link to the Past gameplay, but slower. There’s only a single sex scene which you get by defeating Dark Elves, and if the Dark Elves slap your shit in first, you die.

    The Good: the character art is cute, and I want to see the elves sit on my face, both light and dark. The gameplay is comfortable. I think I will really like this game once it is further along development.

    The Average: The music and textures seem to be bought assets. They are good, but it makes the game feel like it doesn’t have its own character yet.

    The Bad: The movement is slow, and the Black elves attack while moving, which the player character can't. This means they can close the distance and attack you and you’re one bad timing from almost instant death.

    Thorough review when game has reached further development.


    > ELF FEMDOM!!!

    > More sex scenes, both when defeating and being defeated. Maybe have a separate stamina counter that, once you’ve been defeated enough times in a day, you get an actual game over.

    > More of the rude light elf. She’s cute, and I want her to sit on my face.

    > Faster character movement, and maybe a way to dash out from incoming of attacks.