
Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
Strangely i don t like bear beard and nose is a little big while face bit small. Maybe its because of nostrils, boots with claws perfect


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
Warner Bros should hire you guys to play as dementors because my god you love to suck the joy out of everything.
Sry but could you enlighten us, what's the "Joy" of keepin' addin' hollow characters with no further development, meanwhile no progression to the game itself at all?
At this rate selling monthly art packs makes more sense.

Edit: I know these "beastmen" are not in the game yet, but this happened again again and again with almost all previous contents, what make you think it'll be different this time?
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Mr. X

Aug 12, 2018
Sry but could you enlighten us, what's the "Joy" of keepin' addin' hollow characters with no further development, meanwhile no progression to the game itself at all?
At this rate selling monthly art packs makes more sense.
The game is progressing, just not the way you and most people want.

Tao was added long ago as you say, as a "hollow" character and now both the last and the next update continue his storyline while also adding a new zone with two new enemies. That is progression. For you these two updates will be trash, but for the people that actually like the character they will be delighted to see their boy finally getting some deserved love. Let people have their fun sometimes, and if not having the content you want really annoys you, you can simply support Hyao in Patreon and tell him directly in his Discord. Complaing here constantly wont change anything and nobody want to hear people cry every time new content they don't like is posted. Saying that you don't like something in a constructive way is fine, being a constant whining brat is not.

The biggest problem Lustful Desires has it's that no matter what they add or do, people will always complain. Lizards get an update? People will complain that Northcrest didn't get any. Northcrest gets content? People will complain that the werewolves were forgotten. Werewolves got some love? How dare they not giving it to Nameless. And so on.

I know these "beastmen" are not in the game yet, but this happened again again and again with almost all previous contents, what make you think it'll be different this time?
Let's not forget that every single character in the game right now was once a hollow character with barely any content to their name. Compare Ste how he was before, appearing once in the dungeon and never seen again, to how is the character now. Xeroth didn't even have a dialogue tree. The now everyone's favourite Nameless was just a voice with a few lines of dialogue when he first appeared, very long before we know he was a big beef DILF.

Could Hyao focus a bit more in existing characters? Yes. Is it bad to add more characters with potential to expand in the future? No.

It's true that lately updates have been a bit "lacking" compared with old ones, I do agree. Old updates were packing with content and nowadays the patch notes are just a quick read, but that is a topic for another time.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
The game is progressing, just not the way you and most people want.

Tao was added long ago as you say, as a "hollow" character and now both the last and the next update continue his storyline while also adding a new zone with two new enemies. That is progression. For you these two updates will be trash, but for the people that actually like the character they will be delighted to see their boy finally getting some deserved love. Let people have their fun sometimes, and if not having the content you want really annoys you, you can simply support Hyao in Patreon and tell him directly in his Discord. Complaing here constantly wont change anything and nobody want to hear people cry every time new content they don't like is posted. Saying that you don't like something in a constructive way is fine, being a constant whining brat is not.

The biggest problem Lustful Desires has it's that no matter what they add or do, people will always complain. Lizards get an update? People will complain that Northcrest didn't get any. Northcrest gets content? People will complain that the werewolves were forgotten. Werewolves got some love? How dare they not giving it to Nameless. And so on.

Let's not forget that every single character in the game right now was once a hollow character with barely any content to their name. Compare Ste how he was before, appearing once in the dungeon and never seen again, to how is the character now. Xeroth didn't even have a dialogue tree. The now everyone's favourite Nameless was just a voice with a few lines of dialogue when he first appeared, very long before we know he was a big beef DILF.

Could Hyao focus a bit more in existing characters? Yes. Is it bad to add more characters with potential to expand in the future? No.

It's true that lately updates have been a bit "lacking" compared with old ones, I do agree. Old updates were packing with content and nowadays the patch notes are just a quick read, but that is a topic for another time.
You are very aggressive to label us as "whining brat" by twisting our words, and then you just repeat what we complained about....Nice try :ROFLMAO: . So you think we say it is "whining", but comes from your mouth it somehow becomes "constructive"?

Not a single time I complained "the update don't have the contents I want", I was commenting on the updates that didn't have contents.
And ofc you will conveniently not know, I praised these two past updates in my comments as they have substantial contents. Surprise, I actually enjoying most contents they add in - when there are contents. And no, 2 NSFW Pictures are not "substantial contents".
But that's like 2 out of 12 months. How convenient you use them as proof for "The game is progressing".
The biggest problem Lustful Desires has it's that no matter what they add or do, people will always complain. Lizards get an update? People will complain that Northcrest didn't get any. Northcrest gets content? People will complain that the werewolves were forgotten. Werewolves got some love? How dare they not giving it to Nameless. And so on.
If Hyao stick to one area to (at least) near finish, then move onto the next, no one will complain about Lizards, Northcrest, werewolves, rats, Orcs, Nameless, etc.
But instead, He dug so many holes without filling any, so that leaves everyone hanging without any closure. OFC everyone will complain. That's the problem he created himself.
Tao was added long ago as you say, as a "hollow" character and now both the last and the next update continue his storyline while also adding a new zone with two new enemies. That is progression. For you these two updates will be trash, but for the people that actually like the character they will be delighted to see their boy finally getting some deserved love.
And Why Tao Lovers need to wait for so long to Finally have the chance to have their fun?
Could Hyao focus a bit more in existing characters? Yes. Is it bad to add more characters with potential to expand in the future? No.
And how long Hyao plan to spend on developing this game? 20 more years? Because none of existing (meaningless) additions has any substantial development to them. Your "For the Future" talk is just as hollow.

Anyway, it's no point to argue with you, I'm just bored as there's only "a quick read" in the patch notes.


Mar 28, 2022
I'm calling it now that Zoroj is gonna quit on Lustful Desires once the Orc storyline is over. If not his role is going to be extremely minimalized. At first I thought Zoroj was gonna be the main character/CG artist while Narram was going to be the enemies artist but it looks like its slowly not the case. Also, I think Hyao needs to hire an artist that actually likes drawing women because besides Rose you can tell ZoroJ does not enjoy drawing women lol.

I also think the island storyline is just Hyao stalling the fans and waiting for Zoroj to finish anything in the Orc/Northcrest storyline. Which is really just showing how much Narram can do when in charge cause he's gonna have sprites for 6 new characters done in 1 update which is insane. And either I'm just getting used to it or he is constantly improving with every new sprite.

But back to ZoroJ I think at first having mental breaks/slowing down was fine but at this point a year in as much as I hate to say it its kind of his job to make art for the game he's getting paid for it and he doesn't even do commissions. And if he can't draw his favorite thing to draw which is orcs then I don't think we are gonna get more of him after the northcrest storyline. And then maybe a month or 2 after his departure Hyao is gonna hire another artist who can do both humans and furries. Any ideas?

BTW my favorite characters are Xeroth and Arion and my only wish is that they would have more twunk characters I love the big beefy guys of course but twunks like those 2 would be nice as well.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
You are very aggressive to label us as "whining brat" by twisting our words, and then you just repeat what we complained about....Nice try :ROFLMAO: . So you think we say it is "whining", but comes from your mouth it somehow becomes "constructive"?

Not a single time I complained "the update don't have the contents I want", I was commenting on the updates that didn't have contents.
And ofc you will conveniently not know, I praised these two past updates in my comments as they have substantial contents. Surprise, I actually enjoying most contents they add in - when there are contents. And no, 2 NSFW Pictures are not "substantial contents".
But that's like 2 out of 12 months. How convenient you use them as proof for "The game is progressing".

If Hyao stick to one area to (at least) near finish, then move onto the next, no one will complain about Lizards, Northcrest, werewolves, rats, Orcs, Nameless, etc.
But instead, He dug so many holes without filling any, so that leaves everyone hanging without any closure. OFC everyone will complain. That's the problem he created himself.

And Why Tao Lovers need to wait for so long to Finally have the chance to have their fun?

And how long Hyao plan to spend on developing this game? 20 more years? Because none of existing (meaningless) additions has any substantial development to them. Your "For the Future" talk is just as hollow.

Anyway, it's no point to argue with you, I'm just bored as there's only "a quick read" in the patch notes.
Wholeheartedly agree with you. We don't need Hyao apologists or simps. There's no excuse for the almost nonexistant content that's been going on.


Dec 9, 2018
Reduce your sanity with insanity potion, and lose to the Ragroach without bringing Tao with you. Whenever there's a bad end with a mob it usually requires having low sanity.
you also get it by having the corrupted states from the corrupted lizards


Jan 3, 2020
Could everybody, please, stop complaining the game isn't getting developed in a worthwhile way? Every other month I feel like I'm getting 5000 notifications of people slagging it off and like 2 which actually relate to the game or a download.

We get it, you hate the lack of development of major plotlines and a collection of random minor sex things added constantly. We've been aware of your feelings for the last two years. But complaining about the same thing over and over isn't going to change things.

So please, enough with the slagathon. It's exhausting.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
iirc it depends on how you defeated tank the first time you fought. Cause i gotten Service top tank and he doesn't do that.
You can change Tank's status with a potion, that part of Tank's addition is quite good, Service/Dominate Top/Bottom all have good scenes, and you can just change at whim to see them all, no need to start a different playthru.
Could everybody, please, stop complaining the game isn't getting developed in a worthwhile way? Every other month I feel like I'm getting 5000 notifications of people slagging it off and like 2 which actually relate to the game or a download.

We get it, you hate the lack of development of major plotlines and a collection of random minor sex things added constantly. We've been aware of your feelings for the last two years. But complaining about the same thing over and over isn't going to change things.

So please, enough with the slagathon. It's exhausting.
That's Fair.
Tho I wonder why Hyao is doing this.
  • Creator's block/Burn out, so Hyao keep trying to throw out new things to see where it clicks;
  • Trying to expand the width as large as possible, so to incentivise "patreon voting" / "commision". Flexible Survivals is actually doing sth similar;
  • Hyao has some issue with the artists; and now he plan to soft-reset to develop around Narram's arts;
  • He just get used to and settled in this "selling monthly art pack" approach;
  • He don't know how to continue, but is not willing to end.
Wonder if there's someone here has inside knowledge of his development :unsure:


Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
Hyao should of gone on Hiatus with ZoroJ, Maybe they fell out because I knew they were friends and in the creative world disagreements lead to shiz like this like with DyneWulf and CursedMarked


Jul 10, 2019
Could everybody, please, stop complaining the game isn't getting developed in a worthwhile way? Every other month I feel like I'm getting 5000 notifications of people slagging it off and like 2 which actually relate to the game or a download.

We get it, you hate the lack of development of major plotlines and a collection of random minor sex things added constantly. We've been aware of your feelings for the last two years. But complaining about the same thing over and over isn't going to change things.

So please, enough with the slagathon. It's exhausting.
You could just block or ignore notifications, complaining about complaining is stupid and unproductive. People complain because there's reason for it
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Jan 3, 2020
You can change Tank's status with a potion, that part of Tank's addition is quite good, Service/Dominate Top/Bottom all have good scenes, and you can just change at whim to see them all, no need to start a different playthru.

That's Fair.
Tho I wonder why Hyao is doing this.
  • Creator's block/Burn out, so Hyao keep trying to throw out new things to see where it clicks;
  • Trying to expand the width as large as possible, so to incentivise "patreon voting" / "commision". Flexible Survivals is actually doing sth similar;
  • Hyao has some issue with the artists; and now he plan to soft-reset to develop around Narram's arts;
  • He just get used to and settled in this "selling monthly art pack" approach;
  • He don't know how to continue, but is not willing to end.
Wonder if there's someone here has inside knowledge of his development :unsure:
I personally think it's just a "please everyone" issue. Tons of people love the caravan guard, but then they also want Nameless but Nameless is an endgame plot. But then you have the rats, which offer a new island and new characters and a dungeon, but then you have the Lizards people wanna fuck.

It's the opposite of "too many cooks", it's "too many broths flood the kitchen".
You could just block or ignore notifications, complaining about complaining is stupid and unproductive. People complain because there's reason for it
I can't block or ignore them though, else any actual news about the game would also be blocked too. Besides, complaining about complaining is no stupider than complaining about the same thing, en mass, for a month straight. I get that people are sick of the slow developement, but they've been complaining since before Nameless about the same problem.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
I personally think it's just a "please everyone" issue. Tons of people love the caravan guard, but then they also want Nameless but Nameless is an endgame plot. But then you have the rats, which offer a new island and new characters and a dungeon, but then you have the Lizards people wanna fuck.

It's the opposite of "too many cooks", it's "too many broths flood the kitchen".
That's exactly the problem Hyao keep creating for himself, I was asking the reason behind it.
And how does keep adding new "Thin-as-water broths" help solve the flood?

Why people complain? Cuz there's not single one closure to any of the contents (mind you there are so many branches), people can't move on, but there's nothing for them to lingering on.
You don't hear people complain the same issue in Tavern of Spear or TiTs, cuz those games finish one parts before moving onto the next;
You also don't hear people complain it in Flexible Survival, cuz there are a lot of writes working on different branches.

It's fine to have one or two Nameless type "teaser" to set-up during the whole cause; but in LD all contents are this way - does that mean all contents are End-game plots?
It's also fine to have few recurring sex buddies to drop a few spicy here and there, Hyao actually handles the caravan guard Gunnar well in this regard.

I can't block or ignore them though, else any actual news about the game would also be blocked too. Besides, complaining about complaining is no stupider than complaining about the same thing, en mass, for a month straight. I get that people are sick of the slow developement, but they've been complaining since before Nameless about the same problem.
You could just block or ignore notifications, complaining about complaining is stupid and unproductive. People complain because there's reason for it
Yeah keep complaining the same issue (which has no solution) forever does become annoying, but sometimes people just can't help it. So let's not dwelling on it.
That said it's not a perfect solution but dudelookingforstuff you can ignore people who keeps complaining.
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