Ren'Py - Mad Adventure [v0.1.1] [MorbusGreaves]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, with the initial update, I didn’t expect the game to surprise me that much. However, as more updates came, I started eagerly anticipating new content. The characters are visually stunning and very appealing.
    The storyline is engaging because it doesn't drag the player through too many preliminaries; the game quickly delivers the content everyone is looking forward to, providing a great experience with the characters we enjoy following.

    The only downside is that the updates are a bit short. But, given the release pace, it's more than satisfying
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I Love That The Game Doesn't Have Any Unnecessary Exposition, Dialogue Or Long Internal Monologue.Also Love The Character Design They Are Very Attractive, Hot And Sexy.

    The Grammar Need Some Improvement Here And There.

    The Game Overall is Absolutely Great, Can't Wait For More And Please Don't abandon it.

    BLESS THE DEVELOPERS, You Guys And Gals Are Doing A Great Job, I will Hope and Pray that You Find More Success.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Another sandbox to waste your time while you try to fuck some nice thicc bots. Visuals and the models themselves are nice, animations are average at best and the rest isn't worth mentioning. Couldn't be bothered to play 0.1.1 entirely, the sandbox alone coupled with the dating sim UI for generic encounters put me to sleep immediately.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I came to this game thinking that it would be a generic sandbox game, but dude, this game actually is good, the animations are top tier(except for the quick fuck with Giannah acessible by the chat menu), the plot looks like it's taking a good turn

    The models are HOT asf, every single one of them and the dev make use of their bodies adding physics/body deformation for the scenes, if the mc grab the tits they will react with the way the gropes it, the way the girls mouth are stretched by mc cock, and i'm dont even want get into the asses in this game... the 3 elements that i presented above are used majesticly and if i didn't make it clear enough the animations for this game are absurd

    Long live for those that make thick ladies and knows how to use it, the dev surely is a man of culture

    my only complain on this game is that to ME a sandbox game should have quite some repetitive scenes, don't take me wrong there are some in the game, and they are good, like all the Giannah in the couch and in the bathroom or the sleeping Sue, these are top notch, but the scenes with Giannah on the pool and the quick menu are very... non natural...? maybe adding a cum option for the pool scene and giving some love to the chat menu, like a actual render(don't need to be long) for the show tits, grab ass, fuck(and adding cum option for this one), etc. Also bringing this menu for Sue

    ofc i wouldn't remove score for the things i'm poiting because the game is in development and from the way the game is going it rlly looks that the game is going on the direction of the things that i suggested, that said, dev please dont mess this up, it looks really AWESOME

    And give Brianne some love, She been a tease from the beginning
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for v.0.9)

    Mad Adventure is an enjoyable sandbox game that I'd recommend to anyone into women with large proportions and lightly comedic adventures & situations.

    Renders & Animations - Quality and detailed, bonus if you like extremely curvy women
    Story - Easy to engage with and written with a sense of humor; there's more to it than just "MC moves into house with busty women"
    Sex scenes - MC tends to get into erotic situations quite easily; sex scenes are hot, not too forced, and there's a solid amount of them so far
    Controls - Sandbox...which is kind of an odd fit at the moment, but it's very easy to navigate and a walkthrough is included
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    A good game, very beautiful animations, story is ok (but has a lot of potential).
    I hope the dev introduces more girls, events and new places (gym, romano and others), and prolongs the story as much as he wants.
    The game is incredible, keep up the good work.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Really nice models if you like big asses. But the performance REALLY sucks (which is weird because the game is very static, how do you even make a game run so bad?)

    There is also very little content which is the other big issue
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    art is ok. does the job. will float some boats and dissuade others who prefer devs to show a little restraint on the sliders.

    the writing is not great. in fact, i sometimes wonder if we should consider our species as an intelligent lifeform at times when reading writing like this.
    there is a plot but it's background noise.

    but by far the biggest flaw is the design choice. sandbox. why exactly?
    you start with a couple of events and then have to time skip nearly a week to get to the next. this is right at the start. a sandbox game with nothing to do to justify the sandbox design. it's just stupid.
    i carried on a little but all this game is, is time skipping until you can trigger the next scene. A pointless design choice that actually lowers the player experience.
    stitch all the scenes together and you have a VN without the pointless roaming that leads to nothing.

    the map screen and the phone UI are both laggy as all hell. if i can run skyrim for hours then this should not cause an issue...and yet..

    i hit no errors, just lag.
    more maddening adventure than anything
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a lot of content to see yet, but what there is is damn good. The writing is light hearted and doesn’t take itself too seriously; I find the landlady’s exploitable ditziness amusing and hot. You’re just trying to get laid here and the mystery exists to move the plot.

    the women are dummy thick goddesses; a body type I love but seems to be in short supply around these parts.

    I can only hope that more content starts to roll out on a regular basis, and that the dev keeps the female fuck targets to a manageable number; he’s hinted at corruption mechanics and I want to see some corruption.

    my ultimate hope is to see some (OPTIONAL) sharing/pimping content for some of the women once he has them under his control
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played 0.8 version. I love how sex scene with Sue went. It was so nice to see it. FINALLY! Hope game will be developed more and more as there is a signifincat improvemnet in comparison to the first release.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Sandbox is hinders the enjoyment of the game but with hint system its easy to navigate. Eroticism is good, romance sadly lacking. I like the models, characters are sadly bit shallow. Game delivers since its simple and I like it but sadly is not special compared to others sandbox game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The spelling and grammar are extremely bad.
    As far as the storytelling goes, it's almost embarrassing to read. Like others have pointed out it needs a lot of editing work.

    The navigation/gui is very bad and the game lags which can be annoying.

    The models look great other than the shading and colors of their skin could use some work. Backgrounds are ok.

    The story is a bit silly and doesn't have much direction but would still be fun if the Dev would just fix things.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting game hampered by the usual issues new games can struggle with.

    So visually it's very nice, the renders are above average. Plot is.... a-typical but enough of a hook to keep you interested

    The problem is the dialogue and just general spelling and grammar. My first thought was perhaps the dev isn't a native English speaker but there's a number of small typos which seem more like it hasn't been proof read. Spaguetti as opposed to spaghetti in one case, which would have been picked up by the simplest of spell checks. sentences not starting in upper case, names not capitalised, that sort of thing .

    Not to mention the sudden appearance of a narrator. It could suggest the game doesn't have a solid story structure and is being done a bit more ad-hoc which could lead to ruin if the dev spends more time appeasing those who leave comments and less on telling the story they want to tell.

    It's an ok game, it has the potentially to be really something but the small errors imply a lack of care of the end product and those things really need to be remedied if this game is to stand on its own feet and not just become another random game that got a few updates before disappearing into the aether.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, right up my alley. Made for thicc lovers. Good story, good models. Everything about this game is great. Dont waste any time, just play it. I hope the developer never leaves the game and continues to update, please dev.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    Looks great but the dialogue and writing kills it for me.


    Guy goes to live with his Mom's ex-best friend that he hasn't seen since he was a kid. He's greeted by two cliché housewives and a half tsundere. It's the standard sandbox, not much content, no fillers, you just click and skip days until the "event" is available. So far you have: The typical needy and secretly cockhungry housewives. The bitchy childhood friend doing onlyfans for no apparent reason. A token spying perv sidekick. A old guy that wants you to perv on your roommates for him in order to help you find your missing parents and last but not least meta humans. Add all of that up and you get this masterpiece.


    Here's an example of the dialogue: MC: You look great, you can be a pornstar. Her: Really, I never really thought about it. MC: Maybe, you should drop your shoulder top. Her: Oh, okay.

    Keep in mind this is after her just guilt tripping you about wanting to be a faithful housewive. :HideThePain:

    Other than that the dialogue is filled with the dialogue about the main character either being called a idiot, moron, dumbass or a combination of the two. He's a bit of a doofus but I've seen far worse.



    Range from good to down right cheap.


    It's too short, the dialogue could use a lot of work and so does the writing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    *Please Dont Let This Flop*

    To start i just played the first 30 seconds of the game and im hooked. The models are the most beautiful pieces of art ive seen in a porn game. Simply amazing. I might be biased here (im an ass man) but, the animations and the pawgs are to die for. The story seems good, the dialog seems fun and interesting enough that you would want to read. Support the dev guys if you can.

    And for the people who would be like OOOOOoooOoOohhhh tHe TiTtie In ThiS gAMme ArE toOo BiGGg... Fk u. Fk off and get a real girlfriend if you want realism in a video game. Too many good projects destroyed by whiners. To the dev, i love you. Keep up the good work.

    This game has the best milf model since Dreams of desire. The models seem similar to Apocolust.

    Edit: After completing the current game, i need to edit this review. The renders and animations looked good in 0.1 but the quality takes a massive downfall in 0.2 and 0.3. i understand that this is just an alpha and hope the dev keeps the quality from 0.1 consistent.

    This Game Gets 7/10 .... Must try for everyone. Dev keep the updates coming.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Visually it is good/ok. Proportions feels a bit off, but I won't put that as negative, that's just a kink that I don't have.
    Interactions are okay/decent with the girls (or 'MILF').

    What put this in the average score to me is the 'game' part of it.
    There was an improvement from v.2 to v.3, but is still feels rough.
    There's not much content yet. Update .3 had more content/sex scenes than .2, at least.
    It is just too early and the 4/5 rating feels just over the ceiling (and few reviews at the time I'm writing).
    The dude next door introducing more women feels like a future sharing route, but I'm just guessing. Hope it will be a route/option, not mandatory.

    This may grow to be a really good game, but so far is sits in the average we get here.
    If the proportions and the teen/young guy setting tick your boxes, go for it.
    Not really my cup of tea, but can't say it's bad either.
    Average, but with potential.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Mad Adventure [V0.3]
    The game has a good potential
    The renders, the female designs, the "corruption" scenes are excellent
    I want to see what's more to come. The Dev is doing an amazing job so far.
    I hope it does not get abandoned
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    My rating: 3.5/5 - Version: 0.3

    I enjoyed the game so far but mostly because of the voluptuous models :love:. I can't wait to see what happens with the sexy neighbors as well. This game has the potential to be one of the best for thicc lady lovers. The renders are beautiful and although some hope it isn't another harem game, I really hope it is lol. There isn't a lot of content yet but here are my thoughts on what needs to improve:

    Dialogue - There are a few spelling errors and a lot of "haha's". You'd be better off describing what the character is doing (*she chuckles) to make it less repetitive. Also, maybe there is more to the story but the daughter seems to hate you one minute and then be fine the next without explanation.

    Gameplay - The gameplay is fine. I understand it is early in development so not everything will have an interaction despite looking interactable but there just needs to be more to do. For example, it was Monday and I didn't have a task until Friday so I had to sleep several days without anything to do inbetween.

    Content - There just isn't much to get the juices flowing yet! If there are some good H-scenes/animations added, this game would likely be a 5/5 for me regardless of the other issues because of the beautiful models. I hope to revisit so I can revise my review at a a later date.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    + really damn nice renders
    + good animations
    + really damn sexy curved women (sometimes even a bit too curvy normally its the other way round lol) with surprisingly pretty faces
    + good text with some jokes
    + old doc
    + choices
    + solid amount of release version
    - curious about the doc and the science project

    - not sure about the tags
    - scared that it will be a typical harem game which would be boring cause thats what so many do...

    not many cons, but they are for me personally important. i give the game easily 4 stars at the moment cause its aesthetically pleasing and has big potential BUT if its evolving into a typical teenage boy harem game i will be out and thats why i had to remove a star.