Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Out of curiosity, did bedlam went full MIA or he gave a heads up about a break? It seems like his last interaction was in january first
Apparently back in November they found out that they have serious issues with their eyes, and have been in and out of the hospital frequently since then. It's possible that they're currently in a position where their eyes are too messed up to properly look at a screen and let people know what's up (e.g. recovering from eye surgery)... or that things have gone very very badly (e.g. botched surgery) and they're dead. Let's hope it's not that, and is something that will get better over time.
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Sep 12, 2020
People don't seem to understand that having an income source like Patreon isn't like an hourly or even a salaried job. There's a huge disconnect between the work you do and the money you receive and it creates a reality where these people disappear for large periods of time or accomplish little work in a given timeframe. Actually, it's important to realize that these creators are people too and might not feel the need to do anything if they feel they have no reason to.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
People don't seem to understand that having an income source like Patreon isn't like an hourly or even a salaried job. There's a huge disconnect between the work you do and the money you receive and it creates a reality where these people disappear for large periods of time or accomplish little work in a given timeframe. Actually, it's important to realize that these creators are people too and might not feel the need to do anything if they feel they have no reason to.
This particular dev is pretty diligent about keeping their followers up to date, though. It's been a long time since they've released an actual update for the game (although there is one bugfix much more recent than what's posted here), but they frequently post on the Patreon and other places to let people know what work they've done, or even what work they haven't done. So a sudden prolonged disappearance like this is almost certainly because something came up, especially since they've already indicated that they were having medical issues.

That being said, yes, people in general have a completely fucked up idea of what Patreon actually is and how the concept of money even works.
Sep 23, 2018
How does "the concept of money" or Patreon make it easier to spend on art commissions rather than help with Twine? I don't think he's lazy or anything, being someone who actually updates and streams he's obviously not, but it seems like a pretty significant task that might hinder other development that the dev might find more fun than converting. And the years of art commissions isn't exactly cheap or a small amount of work so I don't know what this "huge disconnect" is supposed to imply regarding whether many more months of art commissions > a little help with converting. If Bedlam simply prefers that then sure, but I don't see how different preferences for what occupation to occasionally hire is equal to failure to understand that creators are people

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
How does "the concept of money" or Patreon make it easier to spend on art commissions rather than help with Twine? I don't think he's lazy or anything, being someone who actually updates and streams he's obviously not, but it seems like a pretty significant task that might hinder other development that the dev might find more fun than converting. And the years of art commissions isn't exactly cheap or a small amount of work so I don't know what this "huge disconnect" is supposed to imply regarding whether many more months of art commissions > a little help with converting. If Bedlam simply prefers that then sure, but I don't see how different preferences for what occupation to occasionally hire is equal to failure to understand that creators are people
First of all, I wasn't talking about you, just the overall issue with Patreon and this website in general. Just because a post comes right after yours doesn't mean it's directed at your post. We're discussing whether or not the dev is literally dead or just MIA, and what their lack of recent updates could suggest. Some devs take regular breaks and people on this site freak out over it or call the devs "lazy" and "scummy", which is dumb (especially for games that make like 2% of minimum wage and are clearly just a hobby project), but in this case people are concerned because a very communicative dev has gone silent.
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Aug 23, 2018
First of all, I wasn't talking about you, just the overall issue with Patreon and this website in general. Just because a post comes right after yours doesn't mean it's directed at your post. We're discussing whether or not the dev is literally dead or just MIA, and what their lack of recent updates could suggest. Some devs take regular breaks and people on this site freak out over it or call the devs "lazy" and "scummy", which is dumb (especially for games that make like 2% of minimum wage and are clearly just a hobby project), but in this case people are concerned because a very communicative dev has gone silent.
I call Bedlam a scummy lazy good for nothing eye injury/illness faking patreon scamming thief if he doesnt update this game for a week tbh. And now that we are I think months removed from the last update and im pretty sure a full month since he last even wrote anything, even my broad vocabulary of insults (tho english isnt my first language so its a broad but very shallow vocabulary) has nothing that Id call him.

I still love the guy for making this gem tho and wish him the best, dont get me wrong.
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New Member
Jan 24, 2018
Bedlam used to be the gold standard for an h-game dev to me. They released regular updates and consistent blog/patreon posts detailing their work. Consistent, regular updates are really nice, and if that can't happen then consistent communication about what work is being done is also pretty great. So it definitely sucks that 2022 basically saw both those thing melt away. Update rate dropped off a cliff and the communication about why and what was happening got pretty sporadic. And now the last thing we hear is that eye problems have cropped up and then radio silence, which is pretty worrying.

At the end of the day, it's just a porn game. I don't want anyone hurting themselves to make it. But it is very disappointing that one of the most reliable devs has become one of the least in such a short amount of time. Especially when their game is trapped on RAGS, which is really tedious and I rarely have the patience to fight with it to play the game anymore. I really wish they had focused on the conversion because while each new update usually has at least one piece of content I like, it doesn't really matter if I can't be fucked to deal with RAGS. The thought that the game might never be converted now sucks.

I think people would be less harsh if this eye thing had cropped up a year ago, before (presumably) other shit tanked the update rate. One of the most reliable devs having health problems is worth a lot of sympathy points. However, after a year of shit communication and fuck all content having that thrown on top was bound to piss some people off. I doubt Bedlam is faking, the artist for Karryn's Prison also had eye problems in 2022 and needed surgery for them, but I don't blame anyone that has run out patience.


May 14, 2017
He's given up on making the game now right? There's only more commissions that are always worse than the stock art.


Feb 21, 2018
The art isn't stock, it's ... let's call it assets borrowed without consent. Which opens you up to legal liabilities.
This is the reason it's being replaced to assets borrowed with consent.


Oct 10, 2022
I downloaded this on my phone but dont know hot to get it working, help pls
you just need to download regalia html version and then open the browser write "file:\\localhost\sdcard" in adress bar and navigate to where .html is(assuming you exracted rar/zip whatever) and open it.

Dowload latest regalia here there should be two .html file that runs game one unscaled other is scaled run nh-tweaked.html then enjoy.

Ps :You can delete unscaled html if you want.
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Feb 21, 2018
You can talk to slavers and forbid them from using slaves (but not camp bitches), and if you have a guard, you can assign slaves to be guarded from use by the guard.
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Dec 30, 2018
Is there any way to stop my slavers from constantly fucking my slaves into slobbering mindbroken messes that can't receive any training?
If the slave is dominated you are out of luck, but if they have low health or willpower you can use the care for them action and then train them. You can only do out of camp assignments in the morning, but you can do training assignments in camp even in the evening.

Also, if you buy the Likely Lads and Lasses camp upgrade, slave condition recovery is a lot faster, to the point that they will usually be at 100%. You can also get the camp prostitutes upgrades so slavers have something else to fuck.
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