Gravy Dog

Jul 25, 2018
Man this game really needs a walkthrough. I'm so lost after the part with the hell ranch key. I need some sort of chip to open up some door after the transportation room.


Nov 3, 2017
where is special item,lockpick or crack chip ?
I have exactly the same issue.
From the comments at the author's blogspot, some items appear after finishing the game (like another relic). I have no time to check it in the game any time soon, so please feel free to try by yourself :)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
I remember that upon release the English translation wasn't yet finished. Has it been finished as of this version?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Holy shit, this game is poorly designed. Strap in or scroll on, I lowkey hate this game now so this is gonna be a rant.
Look. This game wants to be porno sidescroller Resident Evil, right? All about inventory management, evading enemies to save ammo, inventory puzzles and all that jazz. Now, that's not my wheelhouse, but after a single complete playthrough on Normal, I am astounded at new, inventive ways this game manages to disappoint.
Let's dispense with the obvious. The Toxic Gas that directly tells you it is 'Impossible to Pass' but the Vaccine one room before allows you to pass without clearly telling you. The barricades that have to be shot down in order to proceed, yet do not tell the player they are being damaged through audio or visual means, seriously, I though of shooting them but it sounded the same as shooting a floor or door, thus I held fire thinking I was wasting ammo. Mother, Fucking, 'This old door can only be opened with a special item,' causing the player to rub everything they can think of against the door praying something works because they forgot which unmarked cabinet or door requires today's authorization chip. The multiple instances of cutscenes ripping control from the player and then heavily punishing them for giggles. Two out of three times my character's armor was depleted, it was inflicted upon me via a cutscene. Let's dispense with all that, and focus on what really matters.
Loot. Is. Randomized.
Not the stuff you find, but the stuff you get from crates. Except for the first one with the Vaccine, every crate in the fucking game drops randomized loot. It could be ammo, health, or crafting materials.
Why is this bad, you ask? There are maybe... Two, guaranteed on-map ammo drops, both dropping three clips of Green ammo. You know, the shit kind. 'Less powerful but more common,' the description said... I couldn't stop laughing.
If you run on a string of bad luck, and trust me, I did, you can easily softlock yourself by expending all your ammunition, leaving you completely incapable of opening crates in order to replenish your ammo OR shooting down walls that open the way forward.
If cutscenes didn't refill the clip of your gun, I would not have been able to complete the game. Part of the blame falls to me, of course, because it was my first playthrough and I didn't know what I was doing... But most of it was because I had a run of bad luck.
You know what I'm doing now? Replaying, on the hardest difficulty, to actually get something of substance out of this game? I'm save-scumming. I have to, if I don't, I may end up sitting atop eight Pro medkits, enough poisons and drugs to kill a whole stable, and the mother fucking infinite metal pile. Seriously, why is Metal even allowed to drop from crates when you were so kind as to give an infinite supply? When I expend half of my last mag on a chest, and see two sheets of metal staring at me... If allowed, I would've turned my gun on myself as it would've been more cathartic to do so then load my fucking save again.
Oh, what, the porn content? What porn content? If not for the cutscenes, there wouldn't have been any at all, and what was there was so... so close, to being good. I was hyped to go into the hell ranch. I had been primed by the second priestess cutscene, I thought I was going to see a human cattle farm with tentacle pit dressing. ...I got a chair covered in bloodstains with a few discarded kinky items. 'Do you like it,' asked captain dickhead? 'Fucking no,' I said aloud, 'I'm disappointed.' Here we have a scene with two women double-dildoing with a larva... and nothing comes of it. Here's a bad end where you get put in a milking machine... but it's a single, poorly-framed image, with text that stops literally right as the pumps would turn on. 'Try for one of the four other endings,' says the game, but I spent my one Cracked Chip on a weapon upgrade that didn't work and maybe the lesbian larva scene, so it's back to start again, sucker, for not realizing those were important.
This game heavily encourages replay value, but doesn't actually tell you this is the case, and isn't fucking fun to play to begin with. You're either mindlessly killing enemies that pose approximately 0.01% of a threat to you, or desperately scraping the map because the RNG gods have forsaken you.
At first, I was interested. Then I was frustrated. Then I read through the forum for answers and started over. Then I was bored. And then I was desperate. And then ten Red Power Cells dropped from a crate I opened with my last six bullets, and I was relieved... Until I became bored again.
Just... All you'd need is a melee attack. Swing the gun and hit things. Of course, then you'd need actual enemies, beyond 'why can't I just step on you,' 'Reverse Speed bump,' 'Ammo tollgate if walking, health toll if sprinting,' 'go ahead and shoot me, I won't fight,' and 'actual threat finally.'
Oh, shit, I totally forgot those fucking Nest Guard things. The red ones should probably have an attack of some sort, and the tan ones should wake up if you try and sprint past them.
Final though... It's possible to read intelligence you don't have yet by switching pages. That's a surprisingly interesting plot. Too bad it was locked behind that Cracked Chip door, huh?


New Member
Jul 26, 2020
Holy shit, this game is poorly designed. Strap in or scroll on, I lowkey hate this game now so this is gonna be a rant.
Look. This game wants to be porno sidescroller Resident Evil, right? All about inventory management, evading enemies to save ammo, inventory puzzles and all that jazz. Now, that's not my wheelhouse, but after a single complete playthrough on Normal, I am astounded at new, inventive ways this game manages to disappoint...
Hi there, thanks for the review, and apologized for what you have been though. I agree with many of your points and I'm actually working on it. At this moment the game is still in the early access, but it has been distributed way faster from my imagination. There are still many on-going adjustments, especially the translation and context. I was hoping that only a small amount of players to play the game at this stage so I can buy some time for myself to improve the game... but things somehow do not go as how I expected. Points like the art are not erotic enough, sadly that's already the best I can do... but for other points you've made, especially the level design and description, I see them as important feedback and I'll use them to improve the future version.

Again, sorry for providing such gameplay that wasted your time. I'm thankful for the reviews you've provided, and I'm very glad that you comment on this as an erotic(but failed) version of Resident Evil. If you get the game by purchasing it, please let me know your G-Cod so I can make a refund and give back your money.
Jan 26, 2018
i just wanna be sure but when i go to purchase the game it tells me to ship to my billing address is this a downloadable game or is something actually shipping to my address?


Sep 12, 2017
Ok, I fixed it, now 1 BIG issue, if you are going to make like 100 items, don't make an inventory of 24 items, specially when you use a key or something and you have to carry it until forever because you don't know when you are going to use it again, or at least the one use should be discarded automatically from the inventory, make the map on a hotkey like M is a pain going to the menu and then go to the map

EDIT: Well now I will wait for a full save, the game pissed me off, I softlocked myself 2 times, stupid RNG
Last edited:


Oct 16, 2017
ok it seem that either getting ending or doing on higher difficulty will give more Crack Chip, which is important I guess?
will try and make it semi guide along the way


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Hi there, thanks for the review, and apologized for what you have been though. I agree with many of your points and I'm actually working on it. At this moment the game is still in the early access, but it has been distributed way faster from my imagination. There are still many on-going adjustments, especially the translation and context. I was hoping that only a small amount of players to play the game at this stage so I can buy some time for myself to improve the game... but things somehow do not go as how I expected. Points like the art are not erotic enough, sadly that's already the best I can do... but for other points you've made, especially the level design and description, I see them as important feedback and I'll use them to improve the future version.

Again, sorry for providing such gameplay that wasted your time. I'm thankful for the reviews you've provided, and I'm very glad that you comment on this as an erotic(but failed) version of Resident Evil. If you get the game by purchasing it, please let me know your G-Cod so I can make a refund and give back your money.
I tabbed out of my hellmode playthrough midway, ready to come here and give an update of the shit I had just found.
For everyone else's context, I discovered that while the door locked by the Cracked Chip off the armory gives weapon upgrade B and a half-decent scene, the second Crack-Chippable object you come across gives you the lockpick, which gives you access to five and a quarter rooms, Weapon Upgrade A (which is useless without B but at least tells you that so you don't try equipping it and feel cheated) and an infinite green-ammo generator. All that time spent running back and forth through the base, dodging monsters and desperately trying to find ammo... and I did it to myself by not simply knowing ahead of time that the chip was valuable and I should save before trying anything with it.
But, here you are. Apologizing. ...Just... That cabinet should've been the first item you came across that you could use the chip on, so a curious new player isn't likely to completely fuck themselves by total accident. From the description, I thought the Cracked Chip was a cheat added in by the cracked version of the game I played from here, since it told me I had it for beating the game, which I hadn't yet. Just, flavor text that says 'A rare chip from the Throneworld that can open any digital lock. Awarded for service in previous missions, they're nearly impossible to find' or something. It basically says the same thing, except it's blended into the world enough that someone playing for the first time won't look at it
I know I said I lowkey hate the game... That's because there's so much room to improve. I don't look at games and say 'They're bad because they have these faults...' well, yes I do say that, but the context is 'and that sucks, because it'd could've been done like THIS and been better...' Though, admittedly, I came down extra hard on you because this game is being sold for profit with always-online DRM. I adjusted my standards. Free things only have to be worth the time, but paid content needs to be worth paying for, you know?
Oh, yeah, this is a porn game, I should probably expand there too... Look. The bad end wasn't great, and the unlocked scene was underwhelming, but that's because I've seen it be better.
The cutscene with the priestess being captured? That was pretty good! Put the protag in there and you'd automatically have a more interesting backdrop for your bad end. The lesbian larva? I thought the protag was going to be impregnated by that. I've seen people say it happens, though on review I don't know if that's an actual mechanic you can heal back from or just a more interesting death animation. Look, the point is, this game right now is frustrating and boring, and I don't like it because it doesn't have to be and is being sold for profit. Got it? Bad, but can be improved.
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Dec 24, 2017
can someone explain what this game is like?
is it actual game or "vn with shooting"?


New Member
Mar 27, 2018
I got one of the endings (Don't ask me how cuz idr where things were)
Was missing:
Special Item
A Key (not the Cell Key)
another Jodnas Tech(cuz the ring wasnt working on second door)
Storage Room
Special Troop Card Key
A second Crack Chip
and an IAC (w/e that is)

I had an okay time, just wish it was easier to remember where things were and the inventory is just way too damn small.
2.00 star(s) 9 Votes