Unreal Engine - Completed - Sex, Please [Final] [Evil Boobs Cult]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The quality and animations are incredible. I wish other 3D porn game devs had half as much talent as this one does.

    But my god, this game is the ultimate degeneracy and it's just disgusting. You can see the pieces of a potential great game, but the devs fetishes really make it terrible. Do not recommend for the faint of heart.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all this game is shorter than the previous one.

    Also models are uglier than previous one. I have my settings set to cinematic, no fps drops but the graphics could use improvement, npc models need more polygons. It doesn't help that the post processing effect is so overdone sex scenes are not enjoyable. Game animations are short, however good, somewhat realistic.

    Sex sounds are good, yet why it was implemented so bad I don't understand. The pitch shifting to give demon effect is hilarious. Voice acting is good.

    The story doesn't take itself seriously, if it's supposed to be some weird parody type game, I would understand. Perhaps it is meant to be comedic and freaky. If you are into this, you're gonna like it. Sex jokes brah! lol

    Gameplay wise, meh, it gets boring, you click to increase pace of some sex animations, left click and you spray your seed to a bowel to unlock doors, sometimes you need to find a short code etc.

    Overall, this game is so tiny I just don't get the point. It's like a mini game by that point. This developer is not bad really, they know what they are doing, they optimized well, they manage to add stuff that doesn't break.

    It'll be awesome if Evil Boobs Cult makes a game that is more serious for a change. Get rid of the same devil ass banger trope and maybe make something that's about a sex worker, sex addict trying to find women to bang, dystopian future sexy sex, anything really.

    Add varieties to sex scenes, more seriousness, ambience and get rid off the shitty post processing and you're golden.

    That's my two cents. Good luck, Evil Booba cult! lol
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game overall, if u are somehow not into soft gore and wicked stuff, id say just keep away from this, but if u are a freaky deaky like i, u are going to love it, its a really fun experience apart from jacking off, 10 outta ten would recomend
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I think even 1 star is way too much for this game lol. This shit is so disturbing that it will haunt your dreams. If I had to choose shooting a child predator or some guy who makes ********** I would choose this dev.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A breathe of hellish and scorching gas, that only suffocates you even more, than not breathing at all.

    This game is psychological masterpiece, a brilliant stained with blood and dark humor, it's not your regular fap'n'go games, this is a test. A test to understand how fucked up you are, this game's point is far from pleasing customers.

    It's not dev's first game, well-crafted, greatly animated, thrilling and the for the "cherry on the top" disgustingly distressing.

    It felt like torture without consequences, not to body, but to my head, the level of insanity unimaginable by myself, so i took a look.

    I do not regret it, i won't recommend this game for regular people, but if you up to test yourself, go ahead.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Bro what the actual fuck, I can ignore the ball busting and scorn esc level design, but there are 3 things, 1) Why a fucking guitar hero segment? 2) Why an unskippable singing part in front of the demon block? 3) What the actual fuck is up with shoving sex toys in a dismembered head? I exited the game and deleted it off bat for that shit. Anyone who enjoys that shit needs therapy and to find god. What the fuck.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the most unique games I've played on this site. It's an engineering marble, with unique art and style. It shows how much time and effort was put in to this game

    However ... it's a psychological horror game. It's really fucked up. I'm going to give it a five star since it's so well crafted. I don't deduct points just because the content is not my cup of tea, some may really enjoy this game.

    I'm glad I experienced this, once.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Sam Scheethy

    The first *game* I bougth. It's weird, funny and sometimes scary with some fap content. The game has many genre styles, game play, meme references (include local memes). Devs give you a masterpiece, non other a copy/paste fap games.
    At start it was raw and buggy and still has some problems. Many people have problems with guitar hero game, its really annoying after 3rd walkthrough after bug-restart, but not so difficult... and song really funny
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This is too much for me! I'm not against some crazy shit but this is to another level.
    At first I throught it was a little bit disturbing, even extreme, but not that bad... but the more you play and the more it become completely insane! Not for me.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    It took me two hours to finish playing this game, and my evaluation is extremely not recommended.

    If you want to masturbate through this game, I don't recommend it.

    Maybe my sexual fetish is not so perverted.

    The whole game became extremely disgusting after entering the inside world, and the mental pollution was serious.

    The content is horror, pornography is only auxiliary, and horror is the main tone of the game. At the same time, it also has decryption elements, music game elements, and shooting game elements.

    And the novice guide system is also very poor. The buttons are completely guessed, which brings a lot of inconvenience.

    In a word, the audience that this game can cater to is a very small part of the special sexual fetish group. Volkswagen should try to stay away from this game.

    Moreover, the furry tag is missing!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is kinda just stupid. I think I'll just loosely sum it up + give some thoughts.

    Fapability: 2/10. There's no gallery or anything. Most of the things here are extremely depraved and not animated to be sexy. The girls that do show up are hot though and could be nice animations to snip outside of the jumpscares.

    Story: 5/10. It's pretty middle of the pack. It's a Boobs Cult story so don't expect too much. It's pretty cut and dry. You're a crazy guy. You get influenced by the devil to do crazy stuff. In exchange you get a place by his side once he ends the world. It's trying too hard to try and be edgy. And it's not stupid enough to be a shitpost either. It's like you dipped both hands in the bucket and got neither point across.

    Spoilers for those that care:
    You're a streamer. A "donator" gives you money to do shit like jerk off, fuck a pringles can and break into a sex shop. You fuck everything in there and get fucked by everything in there until they give you the number of a nurse. Through notes you can read that the owner of the shop tried to perform a ritual to summon the devil and maybe it worked? No clue since the devil mentions later that the place was already fucked up previously. Nurse shows up, you fuck her, she kills herself after jump scaring you. You go through some hell puzzles and eventually kind of end up doing the same ritual the owner did? Donator is happy, maybe you go to a mental hospital? Eventually after the puzzles, some revisits to the shop, and some shitpost level gameplay. You end up back at your home where you kill your grandma, slice off her titties, drink the milk and eat the flesh. Get a blowjob from her corpse, chop off your dick, and blend your intestines before fucking them with your detached cock. Then you make a deal with the devil to basically tell all of this to your therapist that you've been talking to through out the story before murdering him. Then some midgets show up and beat you up. Then game over. It's dumb, nonsensical and trying to be something bigger. But also it's a shitpost. I don't know. I doubt the developer had any idea what he was doing either. It's suppose to be dumb.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very gud, I bought it at launch and faced several bug problems (including the one with the demo save taking you straight to the end of the game, free achievement ;p), but with the daily updates the game is running well.
    With funny and disturbing moments, you never know what's coming, well, until the end where you receive an invitation to the next game.

    Additionally, this game, unlike many Unreal games, does not have serious performance problems even on older PCs.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review as of 06/07/2024

    Well, if you think you've played every type of game out there, think again. This game is quiet possibly the most interesting and unique experience I've played from an adult rated game. While there are sexual encounters throughout the game - there is a story here that unfolds and reveals a LOT about mental illness.

    This is something that made me think, especially about how it looks through the eyes of someone experiencing mental degradation. This game speaks louder than any documentary in some aspects since it provides a genuinely terrifying and tragic narrative from the moment you hit play.

    I must say, throughout the whole experience - though short, it did leave me feeling somewhat sad & of course - perplexed. If you're looking for something to beat your meat to, this is not it. This is an eye opener of a game, and it certainly opens a lot of eyes. (In the walls too).

    I definitely rate this a 5 out of 5. Without a shadow of a doubt, this developer will go places - with the animations, surprisingly all the characters are voices too - a lot of attention to detail throughout the world, it's definitely up there with some triple A titles.

    Great game, through and through. Thanks for a unique and somewhat surprisingly interesting experience!

    What in the hell did I just play?

    After downloading "Sex, please" I must say I was somewhat surprised - not only are the graphics rather pleasing but, the animation quality is superb. It's not Triple A - but it's not far off. I'll say that at least.

    While the screenshots provided in the thread make the game seem weird, or odd - it's even more odd when you're playing.

    Obscure, weird and wonderful all at the same time - and it's something unique. That's for sure. This game has all the markers of something that could be really, really amazing - and while I understand the developer is going for a "weird yet sexual" aspect, with the hellish elements thrown in - I can't help but feel some "holes" displayed in the game, such as the mouth of the sex doll - just looks awfully horrifying to say the least.

    Overall however, it's worth a play through - even in the current stage. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes. I'll be watching this one closely.

    Very. Closely.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    self-taught, self-made, self-impeachable, and self-proclaimed art critic
    This review concerns the version 0.05 of the game Sex, Please and is based solely on my own tastes and interests :
    admittedly a bit deviant
    First and foremost, I'm surprised to be the first to write a review of this 4th game, to my knowledge, from Evil Boobs Cult.
    although it's not a bad thing, given the quality of the reviews of his previous games
    By sharing such a brilliant introduction with us in this new version, the author reveals a protagonist as disturbed as he is disturbing.
    just like you who read these lines, sick pervert
    In fact, he draws out rarely-developed emotions from the player.
    From voyeur, we become actors, as if we were the ones possessing and mistreating that poor Damon.
    even if the name Damien or Demian might have suited him better but I'm no longer objective and no longer respect Rule1

    With the introduction out of the way, we take over the character's directional controls, to which we add the actions carried by the E, R and J keyboard keys, which are more than enough.
    simple and effective, test these keys
    We discover the environment as Damon seems to be discovering it, with no explanation, no goal, no objective... Total immersion !
    do whatever you want or don't
    Everything you need to know is there, even the useless.
    fucking genius idea
    Of course, this game is not for everyone, and will put off many of you.
    so don't put up a review saying this game made you puke, we don't care, some will even be glad to know it
    This is Horror-Porn at its best.
    yes and its worst too
    But for fans of the genre, those with an open mind who don't mind being titillated where they're not accustomed to, this game is a doorway to... well, to each his or her own definition.
    keep it to yourself, I don't want to know

    Let's talk about the form now :
    we can also talk about my dick
    This game is beautiful !
    just like my dick
    The ambience is perfectly mastered, whether in terms of music, voices or sound effects.
    just like my dick
    Sex,Please has its own universe that gradually draws you in without ever ejecting you until you decide to leave the game.
    just like my dick

    To sum up, I'd just like to say that this gaming experience has been brilliant for me.
    I really hope to see Sex, Please slowly evolve ever deeper into the abyss that is madness.

    In my opinion, this game deserves to gain notoriety and find its audience.
    and may its detractors go... to hell

    Good luck Dev with this game, which I'm definitely a fan of !
    I love you, thank you for sharing your work
    I hate you, too jealous of your fucking talent