Unity - Completed - Alien Quest: Eve [v1.01] [Grimhelm]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a REALLY fun game actually.

    Scenes/sprite animations are nice.

    It can be a longer game for a first playthrough. The gameplay in this is really fun for a porn game! I've never played metroid but this game seems like a SUPER amped up version, especially in late game.

    Not much story. It kinda gives you a small premise of what's happening and sends you in.

    My final thoughts are that this is an AMAZING game, and I wish Grimhelm (the dev) would return.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. A little janky and stun locking but overall it's much better than most normal other type of games as dev has ton of other games under their belt.
    CG gallery and 1 star less 7/10 since there isn't a real directory of where to go especially the end fight when the ship is about to explode has too little time to get out with no directions. Easy to get lost.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i hope it become to us in ant time...........
    ......or become with new one
    just waiting for long long time
    playing again and again..........
    plz give any reply?????????
    is he got 'nice boat' or something else?
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Developer with a lot of H games on his belt. Alien sex theme'd H game. This metroidvania H game has a good number of H scenes. Two split for each enemy, all animated. The downside is pretty much everything else.

    This title, much like all of this developer's H games to date, is more game than H style of gameplay. Generally you'll find yourself playing a subpar metroidvania before fapping, if ever, as you're required to outright lose and checkpoint yourself or penalize yourself to get H scenes. Through long corridors and lots of exploring you'll find more enemy types to commit to H scenes, but for the most part you need to grind away at the game before you can partake in the main reason for playing this. There are no H mechanics that carry over from being raped either, no statistics that matter either for the the most part. I recommend you use a full save for this title and play it if you need to scratch a metroidvania itch, though of course there are better titles for this in the indie scene.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: A visually-pleasing game with a decent variety of scenes bogged down by, quite frankly, boring as fuck gameplay after a certain point in the game.

    + Artstyle is really good
    + Gameplay is responsive and generally quite good with the upgrades and level ups
    + Enemy variety is decent, though I feel like there could have been more variation between enemies
    + The first half of the game is challenging but feels fair and interesting

    - The second half of the game is all about cheesing enemies to win, new enemies have insane HP values and have annoying attack patterns combined with very high damage, you can fight them fair and square but it'd take very tight inputs and generally take too long considering they'll just respawn once you exit the door. Even the bosses are cheesed since, again, their stats are overtuned
    - Not all enemies have scenes/animations which is a shame
    - Game relies on grinding for levels/potions, a shop or a crafting station could solve the potion grind

    Personally, I like a bit of challenge in my games, but this game's second half with the not-Xenomorphs is just boring and tedious, enemy HP values could be cut by 70% and they'd still take a while to kill (Unless you grind for levels, of course)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    TOP TIER GAME IN ALL THIS PAGE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD this game is just SO FUN TO PLAY and the animation and all are great hope they make a sequel some day, this game has no right to be this daam good i come to jerk oof and find a absolutly masterpiece of H game in the endgame it become tedis if yo not know what to do bt has some triks that when you find them withot help it feels so good. GREAT GAME RECOMMEND IT 10/10 ( sorry for m bad english)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite good quality for this type of porn game, fun to play, hard and long enough (the game... and the alien dicks!), very hot character and sex scenes (nice sound effects too). An improvement across the board from their - already nice - previous game "Dungeon Maid". The animation could use to look a bit less like Adobe Flash puppetry but it works well enough.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not that bad but for something that's classified as almost 5 stars it sure is disappointing, animations are above avarage, but the rest of the game is definitely bellow.
    All the areas look basically the same and there's almost nothing besides empty rooms with the same enemies and really, reaaally basic plataforming, and the map is really confusing, as a place that you have to slide to get to, a door that you can't open yet and a passage between 2 sections that aren't directly connect look the same in it.
    The game is very repetitive and really like to pull off some bs sometimes, like projectiles that you just can't do anything against (except for farming life potions), it's over in like 2 hours but barely has enought content for 1.
    I really don't get why anyone would give this anything above a 3/5, it's story is basically nonexistent, thegameplay sucks, and the 18+ stuff is avarage at best, there are so many games that do similar stuff but better, just go play anything else really
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable! Your typical metroidvania, but a bit smaller in scale; the map is fairly simple compared to other metroidvanias, which is great for those who get lost easily in these types of games. Artwork is clean and controls are simple.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This captures the Metroid feel so well that I wanna share it with friends but I can't since it's a H game lol.

    Animations are decent. Looks like Live2D stuff but it's clean.
    I LOVE EVE. Holy smokes she's so hot. I love staring at her getting fucked.
    The gameplay is amazing and literally feels like playing Metroid. You'll have a shit ton of fun.
    It is however frustrating and hard if you don't commit to it as a game. It's not made for you if you're just here for a quick fap.
    Also, I wish there were more animations.

    Overall, a 5/5 rating.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Gerrard Kullman

    Great game overall.

    Gameplay is good. Enemies (and their skills) come with a variety, and fighting them is an interesting challenge. The leveling of enemies through the game is almost perfectly balanced - an issue appears only in later game, when almost every your encounter would be OP mutated aliens.

    Platforming there is interesting overall. There are many powerups, so if you can't reach some platform by jumping, try to run around and collect some goodies to do it. Keys are not much of a problem too - most of them located after the bosses' rooms. interesting.
    Also the game stimulates player to search for weapon powerups, so enemy extermination would be more fun.
    And the big map adds a good amount of interest and foretaste in the game.

    Hentai is awesome. Scenes are various and juicy (the MC herself is a bomb, yeah), and there are so much combinations, so I don't think there's much to be add. It's great.

    So yeah, the game is good. The problem that I mention before (OP enemies in later game) is not much of an issue, to lower game rating.

    5 stars well deserved.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game. It's beautiful. It's creepy. It's Samus + sex. But this gets 1 star for three absolutely unforgivable sins in a platform game.
    1. The controls are floaty, especially when turning.
    2. No I-Frames. You get grabbed by an enemy, you will have less than a tenth of a second to get away once released or you're gonna get grabbed again. Which gets old FAST. Especially when enemies can grab you out of mid-air in the middle of a jump. Literally WAT.
    3. Those grab attacks I just spoke about? Enemies can grab you from outside the range of your standard melee attack. Or, in layman's terms, enemies can grab you from twice the length of their arms. Even if there's a weapon that extends the range of your basic melee attack, this is dog design.

    Fix these basic design flaws and you got a REAL 5* game. As is, it gets a 1* because I can't give it the score it really deserves: 0*.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    fine H scenes. Would be better as a video. 100%, every last drop, of the difficulty comes from the terrible movement. You can play it safe and extremely, mind-numbingly slow, or you can try to have fun and slam face first into the floaty game calls movement.
    Terrible grind fest. Cheat in the H scenes and don't play for a second.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing combination of good platforming and good H animations with a creepy atmosphere and slight horror vibes. Near-perfect I'd say, though the level art could look less sterile and the animations could be even better, especially when compared to more recent stuff such as Night of Revenge.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch xenomorph designs and animations. Has a fantastic gallery mode, where you can arrange a bunch of scenes together, and adjust the speed of animations to a fine degree.
    Exploration is pretty linear. Combat is serviceable, with a bunch of overpowered abilities that smooth out what would otherwise be an exercise in frustration. On the bright side, the next plot progression area always feels suitably dangerous and oppressive.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A 2d action platformer metroidvania where you slaughter enemies, get XP, pick up weapon upgrades, slaughter more enemies, colleck key cards to open doors, and fight bosses. Your objectives are clearly written on the miniap so you won't get lost. There's awesome boss fights, tough ones which makes you think how you should use your special abilities. The final boss ends in a race where you run for the exit and try to reach it before the bomb explodes.

    There's few checkpoints, you gotta explore and actually find them and visit them manually to save, otherwise you lose everything hahahaha, the controls are responsive and quick, the hit boxes are accurate and the gameplay feels great.

    now, this isn't just a casual platformer though, this is a porn game, even if there weren't any H-scenes the game would still be a 5/5 masterpiece, this is how solid the gameplay really is. So now, let's talk about the H-scenes.

    So... the moment you open the main menu, when you see the main character's body standing in an idle animation acting neutral, and you see that horrible monstrosity in the background with its nasty tail, you know EXACTLY what will be happening here. All of the scenes are monster rape, all of these scenes are happening when the enemies attack you and your health drops to ~30%, I don't remember, when you get caught sooner or later you will mash the arrow keys to break free, don't worry about collecting H-scenes, the gallery is unlocked once the game is completed, and if you can't be bothered you can literally just unlock the gallery in the menu. But wait, there's more, there are also game over scenes, very aggressive and very perverted, all of these scenes obviously are made with unbelievably high quality animations, split across the length of the game for each boss fight. So even if you find the gameplay boring and tedious, the H-scenes will surely convince you that this is a 5/5

    Other quality of life improvements are - Safe for work mode where no H-scenes or nudity is shown ( for that one madman who will post a walkthrough of this game on youtube lmfaooooo) and the game can be played with an xbox controller. When was the last time you saw a porn game with xbox controller support !? Exactly.

    The story is simple, you are a mercenary who is hired to cleanup a science experiment gone wrong, you fly your small spaceship and land on the giant mothership, your objective is to collect some scientific documents, activate the ship's self destruct mechanism and get the fuck out of there in one piece. While exploring you will be attacked by everything on the ship, so you gotta fight, get stronger and progress.

    Ohhh, how could I forget, f95zone loves this game so much, there's devs making mods for it, like the hard mode mod where enemies are MUCH MORE DANGEROUS and sex is actually harmful to the main character. You gotta adapt to these new rules and find a way to beat the same game, again.

    If you do not rate this game with 5 stars you should delete your f95 profile, seriously.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It just feels HORRIBLE to play.

    Enemy design, balancing, controls, everything feels super unpolished.

    It's a real shame cause the graphics and scenes are great, but playing the game actively hurts.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Ah yes, Alien Quest: EVE. Possibly one of the most popular H-game ever... I don't know why. This metroidvania is honestly one of the most broken mess I've ever played, and it shouldn't be. The idea, concept and execution was there, but it all goes down hill as you play the game.

    +=+Pros: This game has its fair share of good points, but it is no where near saving itself from all of the cons.

    -Art and animations: This game has one of the best animations, art and aesthetic out there. The environment is super good, fitting for a metroidvania sci-fi theme game. The animations is super smooth and well-animated. The atmosphere is great, all of the lightings give lots of life (or lack of it) in certain areas. Grimhelm's artstyle is here too, and it's fantastic, much like their previous works.

    -H-content: Along with the good work in the art, the H-scenes are plenty and each is very good. I admit, I don't like aliens stuff a lot, but this one is very good for anyone who likes that thing. Heck, this game almost convince me to like alien sex. The number of H-scenes is great too, lots and lots of them, not just with your character but also female enemies too. Seeing the enemy fuck each other from time to time do help with the "world-building" in here. Only real problem I have with Alien Quest: EVE is that there's no real mechanic that ties the gameplay with the sex part of the game. Sex gives no advantages or disadvantages, and is more of a way to implement sex scenes in the game. Still, the amount and quality of H-scenes make up for that.

    -Sounds: This game choice of sounds is very good actually. All of the effects really pops out and is really good to listen to. The enemy dying sounds is good, the level up sound creates a feeling of accomplishment, the special attack sounds, etc. All of them are very high quality. The game also doesn't feature any sort of music, it has ambient drones instead, which really helps elevate the atmosphere of the game.

    -=-Cons: So the game does a lot of good things, and is a great upgrade from Grimhelm's previous works, so it's good right? WRONG.

    -Gameplay: This. Game. Features. The WORST gameplay decisions I've ever seen from an H-game.

    --Movement: The game's movement is okay, at least. It features your standard things like sliding, super jump, double jump (which acts as a spinning attack). There's also speed up and a pretty smart drill attack thing that drains your MP but lets you zoom through a room really fast. But the flaws comes from lack of usage during battle. These things can't really be used during a battle, something like a roll, or a backdash. "But wait, no, this game do have a backdash", yeah, but it doesn't work in battle because you can't cancel it from your attacks, making it functions exactly as if you faced the other way and slide, aka backdash is useless. Speaking about combat.

    --Offense: Is brainless and badly executed. There's barely any combat mechanics that you can use to strategize. There's a 4-hit standard attack, works both air and ground, but your crouching and down-air/diagonal-down-air attack is only one hit. You also have a ranged attack that consumes MP, and at first, that's all you get, but as you go through the game, you unlock more special abilities that uses MP. But guess what? Grimhelm thought it was a good idea to NOT make these special weapons scale with your stats. This means that as soon as you unlock a new special weapon, the old one because completely useless and continue to be so up until the end of the game. Even then, it's also a no-brainer to use these weapons, as it's very powerful. Heck, there's a special ability that you unlock that gives a shield, aka, invincibility for almost 3 whole seconds. Even you want to be "fair" and not use them, the problem will soon emerges as you notice

    --Enemy: This is one of the worst part of the game. Enemy design and boss design is complete dogwater. This isn't always the case, if you pick this game up for 1 hour and then get a save with all of the gallery and not proceed to the later areas of the game. At the beginning, this game clearly was going on a good path. Enemies are rather simple but effective, fair but still pose enough threats to you. As you progress, things get a bit... worse. Hard enemies that functions kinda like mini-bosses suddenly become common enemies, and most, if not ALL of the enemies later on requires some sort of way to "cheese" it. These enemies have super annoying AI and attacks that forces you to not have fun whatsoever. There's no direct combat or skills that is required to get max reward from each encounter, you'll have to use in any way available completely avoid or cheap-out the battle. Remember what I said about it being a no-brainer to use special abilities? Well, it's even worse than that, because most encounters REQUIRE those skills you obtain if you want to have a chance at beating them. At the endgame, this problem ascends to the point that if you don't use said abilities you are guaranteed to have absolutely ZERO chance at surviving any room if you don't want to run away. Enemies here now have attack with super fast speed and are near undodgeable and/or unreactable that completely forces you to use Shield. Even so, there are the freeze beams, which not only removes shield, but also completely freezes you while you're IN THE AIR (and this isn't the only way). So means no jumping, always spam shield, put the enemy in a corner and spam your normal attack on them. Does that sounds fun? NO. And this applies to the bosses as well, the first ones are pretty ok but the final boss is literally a cheese battle, where you legit can't win without using shield and drill attack on her. Either Grimhelm got lazy and didn't playtest the game, or they have absolutely ZERO idea on difficulty scaling or scaling in general.

    --Consumables: So other than special abilities that are enforced, you know what else are? Healing and MP potions. They drop at a very low rate at first, but later on, a "common" enemy almost always drop 1-3 potions. This is very relevant because it shows that not only Grimhelm's scaling is terrible, they ACTIVELY don't care to fix it and feed you a bunch of potions for you to spam and not die/speed through the bosses and enemies instead.

    -Overall gameplay: Absolutely terrible, Grimhelm did not bother to create a good and balanced experience half-way into the game, and now it's the most unfair, void of fun, brainless gameplay I've ever seen. This demolishes any form of appreciation I had about this game, not even the sex scenes and art can save it, at all.

    -Misc.: There's also some small things I don't like about this game. Well, the game still have some bugs. For example: double jumping next to a wall and pressing two horizontal buttons can let us you briefly touch the wall as if it's the ground, giving you two more jumps. This lets me skip the game at a few part and although it is fun, it's still a bug regardless. Next thing is how not transparent the game is at one part. See, if you pick the first "Augment", aka the thing that changes your type of standard attacks to things like poison, ice, etc. That "Augment", which in this case, a star that makes your weapon's hitbox bigger, is automatically equipped. But the later ones aren't, so you have to manually change it. This caused confusion to me, as I didn't know Augments can be changed (or how it works in the beginning at all) and makes my character really weak even in later areas (this doesn't matter at all because like I said, special abilities is busted and enforced to be used). Finally... the game's save. So when the game start, it defaults to the "New Game" button. And guess what, the game will override your save as soon as you pick it and even BEFORE the game starts (aka the first cutscene), the save is already overridden. Not to mention, you can't save your progress into your very limited 3 save slots, and is basically forced to play that one save throughout the game. This save feature is completely bullfeces, but it's not the worst (still would have wish it's better).

    _=In conclusion: Alien Quest: EVE has SO MUCH potential to be an amazing H-game, but it flops at the gameplay so hard, that I seriously do not enjoy it at all. This may be an H-game, but if you're gonna make me go through it to see the gallery, make the gameplay GOOD. If you want to, sure, play for 30 minutes and then ask for a full save online, but if you have intentions to play the game start to finish, either prepare to scream in agony or DO NOT play it at all. Do not recommend, 4.5/10.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    An fucking banger with good art design and very Very challenging gameplay. Oh yea and also THE SEX have i talk abt it, it look crispy as hell, the way the characters is shaded are just muua chef kiss. I wish the game would have come with abit more lore tbh some audio log or a few text log something abt the monster we encounter why some of them are just horrifying demon beyond imagination or just big tities woman but this is still a one man project after all i can't have to many rights to complain especially with an free product like this.