Unity - Completed - Alien Quest: Eve [v1.01] [Grimhelm]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game play, character animations, game play, quite challenging levels of difficulty, fun missions, and of course the most important thing about the H-Game, is the satisfying H-scenes, very high image quality, by the way I really like the SCI-FI
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best h-games out there; nearly everything -- art, animation, sound, etc. -- is top shelf shit. it's also a pretty solid metroidvania on its own merits if you choose to ignore the copious amounts of alien dick.

    not without its flaws, though -- i've seen a few enemies get stuck in walls, and the difficulty spike about halfway in practically mandates that you crutch hard on the shield ability so you don't get stunlocked to death. still, though, highly recommended.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game would be fun even if there weren't 50+ insanely high quality animations. But let's talk about those animations:
    • They're some of the most fluid on the website
    • There's a ton of variety
    • Between the moans and lewd wet sounds, the sound design is fantastic.
    The gameplay is also fun with a variety of spells and moves available to the protagonist. Due to the snappy pace, you'll never feel like you're slowing down in progression, the enemies and your arsenal are only ever-growing.

    Overall, this game gets a glowing recommendation, and is easily in the top three of platformer games on this website. Up there with Succubus Affection and Night of Revenge.

    I do have a few criticisms though:
    • When levelling, the LUCK stat is by far the best, it's not even comparable. Due to the +Max HP, +Max MP and new weapon drops, you'll never need to level anything else. Levelling your damage will give you a smaller DPS increase than levelling your Luck. You won't need to level your intelligence because you'll never struggle for MP. Levelling your HP isn't a terrible idea, but you won't need it with effective shield usage, or the inevitable resurrections you'll be doing once you reach the final boss.
    • There's a serious lack of save points in the final quarter of the game, combined with a gauntlet of borderline unfair enemies. It's very easy to lose progress, and due to the way the game is structured, you might have to fight a hard boss again because there's no save after the boss. Two extra save points either side of the miniboss gauntlet near the end would have been extremely useful.
    • Speaking of some of those unfair enemies, there are a lot of enemies in this game where I can't even begin to imagine a strategy to beat them that doesn't involve spamming the shield. I understand that some enemies fight more passively and dodge frequently while your shield is up, but it's easy to manipulate their AI between shield refreshes. For my last playthrough, I made sure to kill every single enemy once, and even with my almost 100% crit rate build, in some cases, it took an entire minute to whittle away a miniboss's HP pool.
    • The "spells" in the game don't scale as much as they should. They seem to do a fixed amount of damage which only makes them relevant in the first few areas you find them, with the exception of the first spell which is never useful. It would have been nice to see spells scale with your ATK and actually be able to crit. Yeah, spells can't deal critical damage for some reason, making most late game battles simply spamming your attack.
    • To use a spell, you have to cycle through them one at a time in the same direction. It would have been much nicer to have the spells bound to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc... Maybe I missed an option where this was possible, but if spells scaled and were usable, this may have helped add some depth to the later stages of the game where even your most powerful spell is just a waste of MP.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i highly recommend playing with KMOD. you can find a link in the OP.

    intense metroidvania with several mods still in development to choose from to tailor the difficulty to your choosing. good h-scenes. good graphics overall. little to no story. mostly playable with one hand if you're skilled mechanically + change the controls.
    Likes: mc247
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is smooth.
    The sex is also very smooth and sexy.
    Character is sexy.
    40+ unique scenes and some of them are great.
    sound is good.

    Combat could have been better.
    More depth is story could have been better.
    Good stuffs come late.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    In short; A pretty well-polished Metroidvania that isn't sparing on either gameplay or ero content. Controls well, with engaging mechanics. Suffers a bit from a lack of environmental diversity and some later bosses that are frustrating rather than challenging. Not my usual game genre, but thoroughly enjoyed it!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, I quite liked this game, and I think it's a real gem amongst adult games.

    - First off, the 2d hand drawn art work is gorgeous! From our heroine, to the environment, to the ship, the little details peppered everywhere ... this is a gorgeous game. As a a sucker for environmental story telling I found myself coming back just for the art
    - Great space horror ambient sound. It really captures the feel of wandering through a hostile and alien infested environment
    - The Hentai is pretty good too . I love how in the middle of battle some monsters will grab you, and you have to wiggle your way out of
    forced intercourse. And when you die you collapse onto the ground and your body gets picked up by enemies who usually have one of several rape animations. Also on game over, you are treated to one of five unlockable semi-interactable tentacle scenes. I'm not a big fan of monster rape, but many of the monsters are humanoid and the art and animation is good. In particular there's one game over scene (#3) where Eve's eyes rolls in a very hot ahego way, so solid 8.5/10 here.
    - The Gameplay in the early and mid game is quite good. It's obviously heavily inspired by Metroid: so a classic platformer metroidvania where you roam about, get power ups, and obtain keys to unlock new areas and powerups.

    - Occasionally I got lost because I missed a particular corridor somewhere which wasn't obvious, and I had to resort to a guide to get unstuck. This may just be me.
    - The gameplay does fall off a little in the late game. Enemies become damage sponges, and coupled with their tendency to do acrobatic dodges, it makes rooms drag on. I found myself skipping most late game rooms.
    - I found Eve's design choice a little baffling. I'm not a fan of her girls scout/sailor moon vibe, and why is her primary weapon some sort of wand/magical baton? It doesn't seem to fit the theme. I think it would've been cooler to give her a sci fi weapon and a hot suit like Zero Samus.
    - I'm also an ass man, so I really wished her butt was a bit bigger ... but I also understand my preferences don't extend to everyone especially in other parts of the world like Japan.

    All in all, it's kinda astounding this was created by one dev, and he doesn't have nearly as much support on Patreon as some other games which are unfinished and barely updated. If you like metroidvanias, hentai, kawaii girls, or monster/tentacle rape ... or just want to see some gorgeous 2d hand drawn art, I can definitely recommend this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A 2D action game unlike any other, a small masterpiece of graphics and gameplay, a wonderful union between space adventure and erotica: this and more is Alien Quest Eve. Exploring the world of this metroidvania, populated by enemies looking between the erotic and the disturbing and discovering its secrets and upgrades for our unfortunate and sexy heroine has been a fantastic experience. The gameplay, although not complex, is pleasant and not always simple, with bossfights that can give you a hard time, while the various carnal encounters between Eve and the aliens who have taken possession of the ship (replicable in a separate environment, accessible from the main menu) add a delicious sweet to the eyes. A game that I absolutely recommend and one of the best erotic adventures I've had my hand on.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I can see why folks like this but for me, it's a bit too simple. The h content is really limited and the actual gameplay is a bit floaty and simple. Still, it's more effort than a lot of h games have put into them so I guess that's something. Maybe if the controls were a bit tighter and if the h content was a bit more plentiful it'd be good but for now, I think it's just fine.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Some grinding was required, but I was able to map the controls onto the extra buttons on my mouse and play one handed. The textures are what really drew me in and the map design is what made me stay 10/10
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Thought I'd play a traditional Hentai game and see what all the buzz was about. I wish this game didn't leave me not wanting to play another one.

    The premise to begin with is pretty crazy. It want to be metroid and caslevania. But with sex. However there's not much sexy about the sex let me explain.

    Dude with dicks chasing you doesn't get my juices flowing.

    Story: There's not much of one, it's more about the gameplay.

    Gameplay: Boring and repetitive, wish I could elaborate, but there's not much to elaborate on, it's exactly as I said.

    Visuals: Medicore at best.

    Sex Value: Non existent, the sex scenes in this game feel like parody or something, it's hard to describe, but they didn't do anything for me.

    I will try a different Hentai game and see what it's like, but as for this one, it turned me off to the genre quite a bit, hope they aren't all like this.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best on the site. Gameplay that's legitimately fun, interesting scenes and a good loop. Only thing I can recommend is download the horny eve mod, as it makes the game significantly more enjoyable.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is a 5/5 but I took 2 stars away because the jump and interact button (the most used button in the game) is also the button that can delete your save during the title screen, so yea. guess what happened
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Do not expect a very porn-heavy game, just Metroid with boobies. At some point I was wondering how such beautiful art and sprite mastery was put in an adult-oriented game, but more 'metroid' than 'adult' but it is a matter of taste.

    Very nice game, well balanced, metroid player will love the little bonuses hidden like secrets. Controls are fine, art is huge, I was completely immersed in it or 4 hours.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This isn't just a good game for the category, it's just a great game in general. One of my favorites of all time and I was thrilled to see it finished. The combat is slick and polished. The scenes are rewarding and fun. I could play this over and over and still have fun. Thanks!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Best side scroller hentai game i have played till the day, enter my top 10 in sidescrollers overall.

    I have played all of grimhelms titles so far and i can say for sure that he has come a long way from his first game, he has enhanced every aspect of his earlier games from the art to the story line making this masterpiece.

    The character desing and stage art are really good and combined with the music it gives a ominous feeling, there are plenty of animations wich are beutifully drawn and animated, with fluids that arent too over the top, plus you can even find other monsters fucking, only thing that saddens me is that some enemies did not have animations.

    The gameplay is really fun and adictive i finished the whole game non stop, exploring for new abilities and power ups while battleing agains the enemies and seeing some scenes was a really good balance to not make repetitive, the bosses are chalenging yet fun and acomplishing to beat.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is great and the animations are swell as well. My only complaint is that it gets pretty damn hard during the last bits of the game (had to cheat but oh well) I hope to see more games like this in the future 11/10 would recommend.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on v1.01.

    This one is a good game.
    Although I find it a bit short, it is still not bad overall.
    We need more games like this one instead of vn's and glorified animation viewer "games". That's all I can say about this game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best side-scrollers containing good gameplay and good fucking.

    + Nice graphics
    + Sexy character with jiggly ass and boobs
    + Hot sex scenes
    + Puzzles
    + Decent combat and leveling
    + Well matched soundtrack

    - (none)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Is it the best metroidvania? No
    Is it the best h-game? No
    But I certainly think it's a great metroidvania h-game.
    Playtime: ~3 hours
    + A definite step up from the devs last action platformer. The game still has it's issues, but it's nice to see that progress is being made.
    + The art is good and the protagonist's sexiness really grew on me
    + There are areas where enemies are busy having sex with each other and won't bother you until they finish or you attack
    = Others have complained about needing to grind levels, but I never did? Then again, I tend to both get lost and kill everything I come across. I also dumped the majority of my stat points into luck since there aren't any pickups which improve it so I ended up with a >50% crit rate by the end of the game
    = The only plot is what is presented in the intro, and it's fairly standard fare for the genre: dudes were messing around (alien?) tech, everybody died, agent gets sent in to recover the research, kill the boss, and blow the reactor. Still, it's perfectly servicable and far more plot than in the dev's last game.
    = There's a timed sequence near the end of the game immediately after beating a major boss. It wouldn't have been that bad, except the teleporters get disabled so I flubbed it the first time and had to beat the boss again.
    = I'm not sure why it's called Alien Quest Eve when the protagonist is named Ellen. Maybe it has to do with the biblical Eve? But even then, I think Alien Quest Lilith would be more appropriate.
    - Areas don't look different. In these kinds of games you'll often be able to tell areas apart because they'll clearly be the research labs or crew quarters, but it's mostly hallways here.
    - Spells don't get stronger over the course of the game, so even if there are spots in the late-game where the starter spell should be good, in reality it will only tickle the enemies.
    - I often relied on cheese to beat harder enemies, though I suspect that may have been intended.
    - You can't attack-cancel with backdash.