
Mar 9, 2024
We'll have to agree to disagree then because I see no indication Maxime even has an "old self" to lose. She's completely, 100% obsessed with the MC, to the point she has literally no agenda beyond being with him. Their relationship is painfully shallow - the game cut away during their dinner date because there was evidently nothing worth seeing the two discuss.

More than anything, Maxime reminds me of Heather, the ghoul the player could inadvertently create and enthrall in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. Both were junkies completely hooked on the player character's 'essence,' but whereas VtMB treated Heather as a side character and morality pet, GoH insists Maxime is a full-on Love Interest. That just doesn't work for me. If Maxime had a life that extended beyond the MC's dick, or if we'd spent meaningful time seeing her and the MC interact as friends with mutual interests rather than just fuck buddies, maybe I could buy her as a LI; I'd certainly be much more interested in her content. But we didn't, and so I have no desire to watch her drool over the MC for the Nth time.
With the caveat that I do like her character -- and her scenes -- a lot ... I don't actually view Maxime as a "love interest" in the context of this story.

Could be that I'm just overthinking things (wouldn't be the first time), but my sense is that she primarily serves as little more than a plot device. As you mention, there's no "conquest" involved with her -- all those steps have been taken before we start the game. Rather, I think her presence is two-fold:

1) She acts as a "bridge" between his old, (mostly) human life and his new-found demonic identity, and

2) Exactly as Astofiel says -- the fact that she's already so close to "worship" status significantly speeds up MC's development. Broadly speaking, it's plausible insofar as it relates to the plot and it avoids having to further drag out the process for us as players. Plus, as we saw at the hotel, she can "help" with bringing others on board.

Right now, I think there is only one true LI, in the sense that we have an opportunity to build a legitimate relationship with them, and that's Julia. I think Brie becomes one sooner rather than later, but that's it. I'm undecided on Ruby so far, but I'm leaning more toward the "plot device" category for her as well.
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Mar 16, 2018
The whole discussion about Maxime reminded me of

The way humans are currently presented in the game makes it difficult to see them as serious LI. They might be important to MC emotionally, but their relation is clearly that of servant-master, not equals.


Dec 29, 2022
This is a great game. So much better than the "follow her/open the door" type of games that get spewed out by the dozen in this genre. Could have done with some hotter Li's tbh, but I've played through a few times and Meredith is definitely a grower, but still...not the best models. If I'm putting effort into the seduction, give us more to work with, at least. I don't mind milfs at all, but Max is flat out hideous. Julia and Ruby are cute, but I actually did my best to dissuade Max from being a follower.
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May 23, 2024
Is this the guy that made that game "chains of corruption" or "chains of pleasure"? I can't remember which one it's called. The whole middle plot is just like that game.
Chains of pleasure was a good game. Or at least I had really enjoyed it. That's how I first discovered this game a while back when looking for a similar game to chains of pleasure. But no I don't believe they're developed by the same person/people. Wish that game wasn't abandoned though.


Mar 15, 2021
Chains of pleasure was a good game. Or at least I had really enjoyed it. That's how I first discovered this game a while back when looking for a similar game to chains of pleasure. But no I don't believe they're developed by the same person/people. Wish that game wasn't abandoned though.


May 23, 2024
Yeah. But While reading around I came across a post on this thread from 2023 from Sparkhg confirming that chains of pleasure is actually an influence(or one of them) for this game. Which if you played c.o.p. you can really feel in this. Also in the game In a Scent as well if you played that. If only that dev for c.o.p. never took that trip to china to never be heard from again:LOL:.


Feb 22, 2020
I'm always waiting with anticipation for the next update and when it finally drops, it never disappoints. The latest one was no exception.

When it comes to setting the mood, building up the anticipation, showcasing their arousal and body language, the depth of the intimacy, etc., this game truly is in a class of its own. I really can't complement the emotional intelligence of the writing enough.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
This was a nice update, but I feel like the whole "use your infuence" prompts are pointless since using it is always the best option. I wish there were more prompts for it so it would become a limited resource that you needed to use more effectively, that would also add some replayability to the game. Althoug I get that we are technically still in the tutorial level, so I hope It gets harder when you have to use it on demons and/or angels during the war.
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Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
Any games featuring women with figure similar to meredith? That kinda slightly chubby, but not really fat, with nice realistic non balloon boobs? Preferably milfy.
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Dec 19, 2017
am I missing something or dev forget to schedule a upgrade session of Energy gained last updated?

I hope dev plot the structure well, because it seem that dev want to add in another major plot line, while the current successor war plot not even halfway through.

the new girl feel so empty to me, let's see if the date plot will be better.

Julia line is good the best part in this update


New Member
Jun 23, 2018
This game is the reason I ended up on this foresaken corner of the internet, if there was a HoF this game has potential to be inducted by some of the goats of this site. Hope the dev doesn't leave us for dead, I barely fuckin comment, and I just started a gig so I'm def gonna donate to this guy. This guy got the jealousy fetish without the ntr bullshit, down to a science. *chef kiss*
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